Welcome to the latest round of Iron Poet, the game where you give me three words and I give you a poem. This is an adaptation of a standard writer's workshop activity, and I do not claim the original concept. I just claim to enjoy doing it
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The days have been torture it's true.
Phantom beloved, my willpower's strong,
I could wait a whole lifetime for you,
With the neon in your hair
And you thumb cocked high,
You were something right and rare,
Proof that love will never die,
And I guess it's only fair
That you're more beautiful than I
Phantom, phantom rose.
Phantom beloved, your infinite grace
Is more than the living deserve.
Phantom beloved, your beautiful face
Fills my heart with an endless reserve,
With the neon in your eyes
And your thumb cocked high,
You were a spiritual surprise,
Proof that love will never die,
And I'll never tell you lies,
But you're more beautiful than I
Phantom, phantom rose.
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