Title: Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division, Part I.
Summary: The life of a retired superhero is definitely refusing to get easier. Especially when you're just trying to get to Oregon already, and now people from your past that you've done your best to put behind you seem bent on tracking you down
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Comments 9
What a lovely distopia you've created there (at least, for the supers).
Are you going to continue the story after she gets to Oregon? (I'd guess that they get one more chance to stop her before she crosses the border...unless Stuff Happens). Of course, her basically being able to close her eyes, push her powers out, and defeat the entire Junior Super Patriots (West Coast Division) means whatever she faces next is going to be worse. She might even have to open her eyes...
Sorry, there's a typo there. What it should actually say is "they wouldn't give you to Marketing unless Marketing provided evidence you'd actually killed someone."
them ever knowing
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