The world's weirdest strip commission!

Aug 11, 2008 10:05

Okay. So in the interests of a) masochism, and b) going to Australia, I've decided to do something I never do. See, I'm taking one -- just one -- strip commission.

With a bit of a twist.

If you wish to request a strip commission, reply to this post with your proposal. The starting 'bid' is $40.00, plus five dollars for shipping if you want the original. That's the minimum; you can go as high as you want to go from there.

When you place your bid, also include which specific song you want me to attack with a chainsaw. Yes: song. This commission is for one of the song-style strips, giving you a specific format of:

#14: Logic Problem.
#25: The Selkie's Suitcase.
#63: Pretty Little Dead Girl.

Note that the exact style and complexity of the art will depend on the song. Also note that I'm not saying I'll take the highest bid; I'm basically looking for whatever catches my fancy, and will be weighing my interest in specific songs against the amount of the associated bids.

Questions, ask 'em here. Bids, post 'em here. Let's see whether this works.

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