Iron Poet, Round X.

May 18, 2006 10:45

Welcome to the latest round of Iron Poet, the game where you give me three words and I give you a poem. This is an adaptation of a standard writer's workshop activity, and I do not claim the original concept. I just claim to enjoy doing it.

The rules:

1. You must give me three words. This part isn't optional. Please note that this isn't a game of 'stump Seanan'; I'd be happier if you selected words you actually wanted to see in a poem, rather than trying to be arbitrarily difficult. Groups of two or more words, like 'purple sock' or 'left turn' still count as two or more words.

2. You can choose to give me a poetic style, assuming your words were not sadistic. Naturally trochiac words when you're asking for a sonnet, for example, may get you swatted. I am the final judge of what is or is not a sadistic word.

3. I will not write acrostics, limericks, haiku, poems which depend on a visual layout or any style which by definition must be more than a hundred lines in length.

4. Because the selected words are random from my perspective, you cannot request a mood as your poetic form. You can indicate a preference, which I will try to fill, but I make no guarantees.

5. Please put all word groups in original comments, not as replies to someone else's comment. Things tend to thread, and I may miss you if you add your words to someone else's.

6. Please do not submit more than one group of words at a time. If the round is still open after I do your first word group, you can submit a second, and so on, but please wait for me to get there first. This allows more people to participate.

Keep in mind that I am currently working a fairly mind-intensive day job and getting ready for the summer convention season. I may thus be slow. I will complete all word groups, although it will take me a while -- the last round lasted from September 2005 through to of April 2006, so take that as you will. Posts will go up periodically with links to the completed poems, so that you don't miss yours if it happens to scroll off the screen.

Please also keep in mind that I do this for fun. Word groups that seem specifically designed to make me unhappy, such as groups of swear words or references to bodily functions, only increase the odds of my not continuing these rounds. Thank you.

Let the games begin!

Edit: This round is now CLOSED to new submissions. A new round will begin at some point after all requests on this round have been completed. Thanks for playing!

iron poet

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