The meeting of the bagmen [Lewis fic], Hathaway + Gray, 1.4k words

Jan 29, 2013 14:58

Title: The meeting of the bagmen
Characters: Alex Gray, James Hathaway
Rating: G
Wordcount: ~1400
Warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS for s7e4 The Ramblin' Boy (part 2)
Summary: DC Gray investigates.
A/N: Concrit welcome.

Alex Gray would never have expected his first stakeout as a detective constable to be on his boss' office. )

character: alex gray, character: james hathaway, fanfic, fandom: lewis

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Comments 29

barcardivodka January 29 2013, 20:16:40 UTC
Brilliant :). Was rather taken with Gray, he got a lot of character development in part 2. Loved this glimpse into their first meeting and where better than over a ciggie or two, real & electronic!


cactusonastair February 1 2013, 08:12:02 UTC
Thank you! I liked Gray too, and was glad he got more screentime in the second half - and I hope we see him again in the series.


tehomet January 29 2013, 21:13:51 UTC
Oh, brilliant! Very deftly done and well grounded in the Gray point of view. I liked him from the canon but this makes me like him even more. *cuddles Gray*

I liked how he sizes up Hathaway so accurately and doesn't fall for the aloof exterior. The ending is heartwarming without being soppy - just what I needed after the most recent episode!

Thank you for this.


cactusonastair February 1 2013, 08:12:39 UTC
Thank you for the kind comment! I'm very glad you liked it and found it in character for Gray :D


seren_bach January 29 2013, 22:10:41 UTC
Oh, I loved this. I thought Gray was adorable anyway but I loved him in this, so earnest and insightful, realising almost right away what was troubling James and understanding it. I also thought James was lovely in this as well, trying so hard not to show that he's upset and the "understated kindness" he shows Gray. I love how that lines shows how much James has picked up from Lewis. I'd like to think that Gray and Hathaway bond at some point in the future.


cactusonastair February 1 2013, 08:47:26 UTC
Thank you for the comment, especially for remarking on "how much James has picked up from Lewis", because that was just what I was going for! I hope they do bond in the future too!


wendymr January 30 2013, 02:03:41 UTC
This is lovely - a meeting it would have been really nice to have in canon. James really has learned a lot from Robbie; he's kinder - and more explicitly so - than I'd have expected him to be. The 'did he take you for a pint' was perfect, and I loved him showing enough of an interest to ask how Alex found working with Lewis. Yes, he may have been poking at his own pain a bit, but he was being kind too. Lovely!


cactusonastair February 1 2013, 09:45:51 UTC
Thank you! Yes, I would have liked to have seen this in canon, too, hence why I wrote it when it didn't show up!


maladroitoracle January 30 2013, 09:07:22 UTC
Lovely! I agree with all the comments above!


cactusonastair February 1 2013, 09:46:09 UTC
Thank you! :D


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