Housing update x6

Jun 14, 2010 22:21

Everybody think very good thoughts for me.

Specific housing stuff. )

creepy, housing, rp, work, rl

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Comments 10

jadededges June 15 2010, 15:03:57 UTC
Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! xD

And yes, my slow game is not dying, just... slow. *g* But hey, it's all right, we're all busy.



cacopheny June 15 2010, 17:00:25 UTC
I like that your slow game is slow XD It is the one game I don't worry about having to scramble to get scenes done on! ;)


leilay June 15 2010, 15:28:41 UTC
Good luck!! Sorry for the budget issue, but I'm glad you have a workable solution. <3

Ya for RP! I wish I had time to keep up with it all; your game is awesome. :) Miss you, too, seems we don't cross paths often these days.


cacopheny June 15 2010, 17:01:52 UTC
I've been playing with my budget numbers all morning :P Trying to figure just how much or how little I can get away with. It's fun, trying to conjure an extra $300 out of the numbers already there, heh XD

:: shrugs :: I'm on IM every night X3 And you have my email. You wanna talk, poke me on one or the other :) I'm usually around! Just busy XD


ladymora June 15 2010, 19:02:39 UTC
Thinking good thoughts from the other side of the world!!


cacopheny June 16 2010, 01:33:49 UTC
Thank you! Hope you're having fun :)

When're you coming home? ^^


ladymora June 16 2010, 21:43:25 UTC
Back in LA Sunday, stuck there at a conference til Wednesday, then home finally on the 23rd!


xaliademarin June 16 2010, 01:26:04 UTC
*legasp!* Yes, I am actually checking my LJ... XD

Sending good thoughts your way!

And hey...I thought the next launch was the last launch? There's more? *blinkblink*


cacopheny June 16 2010, 01:33:28 UTC
Oh my god, it's a Liz! XD <3

Yeah, the last launch is scheduled tentatively for February right now :P Unless they schedule one more launch for after that, which they might XD


dracothrope June 27 2010, 02:44:48 UTC
Crossing my fingers for you. :)

Oh man, turning down that man must have been awkward! Sympathy for you!

Don't know if you're still interested in Supernals and the like, but I have a batch of them going out (example here) so if you want one, they're available -- or if you want a secondary image for Tayne or anything. ^_^

Hope the IT stuff goes well. Sounds like it could be much more fun!


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