Meme-age, stolen from Quill

Jun 05, 2007 21:16

Haven't done this in a while ( Read more... )


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Comments 22

sanguinequill June 6 2007, 04:35:02 UTC
^_^ I iz commentin.


cacopheny June 6 2007, 04:49:29 UTC
1- I'll answer with something random about you.
2- I dare you to learn how to use a sound board for theater tech : P Or (if you already know how?) kiss someone tomorrow ^^ Anyone!
3- Purple >.> ... sadly, because of your lj scheme XD :: shallow! ::
4- You are sweet, talented, and my source of just about every music video I've seen in the past six months =D
5- I don't actually remember exactly how we met (your comment of "littledetails" makes me go "wow, really? XD " ) but I do remember scrolling back through your lj, like, months into your backlog... and randomly commenting on things XD And you responded, even!
6- A dolphin. And I have no idea at all why X3
7- When and how did you decide to go into theater tech? ^^
8- ... you've already put it in your journal, so I guess this one doesn't apply to you XD


sanguinequill June 11 2007, 01:01:29 UTC
1- no random?
2- lmao, I'm trying! I'm just not in theatre now... I'm cleaning toilets. and lol. yeah. the people here, not so much.
3- but purple is one of my favorite color, so it's cool.
4- thank you! w00t! music videos are <3.
5- mhmm! on a couple things, and on my fics (to which I never replied... <.<)
6- really? that's so cool! I like dolphins. :D
7- I started doing it when I was 12, in middle school drama club. And then my junior year I did HS theatre and my director encouraged me to do a lot more than I usually do. And my senior show was what made me want to do it. Theatre saved my friend from ODing on crack, and it helped me with my depression. It was the most fun I've ever had, and saved my life. lmao, tmi yet?
8- :D now, we're clear ^__^


cacopheny June 11 2007, 01:08:11 UTC
Did I forget the random one? XD Well, randomly, from what I remember of the picture you posted months and months ago... you look a lot like a friend of mine XD Which is kind of amusing, as you're both very distinctive-- just in similar ways! =D


dragonflight June 6 2007, 15:37:07 UTC
~Waves~ Meeeee!


cacopheny June 6 2007, 16:03:41 UTC
1- I love the way you draw people ^^ They're not sticks! It's such a nice change from the norm, and much more real.
2- I dare you to turn on some of your favorite music and dance =D (tonight at home is fine X3 :: wouldn't wanna get you sent home from work for weirdness :: )
3- Yellow. I dunno why o.o
4- Yer so nice to me =D And amazingly creative-- and amazingly driven! I admire your skills and your ability to actually do stuff to acheive your goals : ) Hell, I admire that you actually have goals XD
5- Kirin! We "met" via kirin! XD Still waiting on the meeting-in-person part >.> But the rp was so fun, and turned into actual chatting with you, and it just took off from there : )
6- A squirrel. Again... no idea why XD But I like squirrels, so that's a good thing X3
7- This is hard, cuz usually if I wanna ask you something, I ask it without waiting >.> Ummmm. :: goes totally random :: Are you ticklish? XD
8- Go post this, woman X3


chiaroscuroman June 6 2007, 15:57:35 UTC
Hello! I've returned from the dead! =P


cacopheny June 6 2007, 16:08:33 UTC
:: posts again, with the formatting fixed ::

Well, hi there XD

1- Your icon reminds me of Jack Sparrow. But then, I've recently seen the last Pirates movie, so maybe I just have Jack on the brain >.>
2- I dare you toooooo... climb a tree =D :: loved tree-climbing when she was a kid ^^ ::
3- Kind of a red-orange shade. Why? No clue X3
4- Yer always ready with an encouraging comment ^^ It's very sweet.
5- I met you through Phe, didn't I? o.o It's been so long, I dun remember X3
6- Bearded dragon (the lizard, not the fantasy creature XD ). I can just imagine you soaking in the sun, then randomly dashing off in some wild direction X3
7- How'd you meet Phe to begin with? ^^
8- Go post! Snapsnap! X3


chiaroscuroman June 7 2007, 05:50:21 UTC
I'm actually not sure why I made my icon a pirate. I just wanted something that was happy. I think the icon started out in my head as Will Smith *shrug* I dunno.
Tree climbing, eh? I'll get in touch with my inner monkey =P

Bearded dragon, eh? Well your right about the soaking in the sun. Random dashing? Eh maybe during finals >D but mostly I'm a hammock bum =P

Phe and I go waaay back. To high school, even. We hung out alot during lunch, we fought in the floof wars together, and built a trebuchet that made people cross the street when they saw us... good times

Aww, now I have to brush the cobwebs off my lj and bring it back from realm of the dead. I need a 360 on the defib! Stat! Clear! *ZAP*


leilay June 6 2007, 17:02:32 UTC
Alright, shoot. :)


cacopheny June 6 2007, 18:00:03 UTC
1- You're my oldest net friend, 'cept for Dale ( ... )


leilay June 6 2007, 19:19:49 UTC
I am not at all up on animals, so I will assume a marmot is a good and noble creature ( ... )


xaliademarin June 6 2007, 18:07:35 UTC
K, I'll bite, but I'm still up in the air about whether I want to post it in my own journal... XD Maybe I will...we'll see...


cacopheny June 6 2007, 21:36:27 UTC
1- I love it when you belt out your favorite songs, terribly off-key but not caring because you're enjoying yourself. So stop apologizing for being off-key ; )
2- I... dare you to make a phone call! To a friend! For the hell of it! Whether me, Will, your cousin, Suzanne (that's her name, right?), Adam, your married friend whose name I don't recall... whoever. Just call someone for the hell of it : )
3- Olive green.
4- We never seem to run out of stuff to talk about ^^ And even on the rare occasion that we do, the silence isn't all awkward or anything. The fact that you were still cool with me even after our various fights and, worse, my crush issues makes me happy, too ^^
5- I remember when we first met at the Disney CA Adv hotel, my first thought was that you really didn't look much like the picture you'd sent us X3 And I paid more attention to Lindsay at Dland itself because I was trying not to pay too much attention to you >.> Bad habit of mine ( ... )


xaliademarin June 6 2007, 21:50:25 UTC
1- Aww...I thought you said I wasn't that bad? ;.; Now my self-esteem is ruined and I'll have to stop singing altogether... :P ( ... )


cacopheny June 7 2007, 01:06:11 UTC
1. :: laughs :: What I said was, it depends on the song and the singer XD

5. It was one of your old riding pictures X3 Had Fisky in it, and everything. Your hair was pulled back (I think?), you were in those unflattering skin-tight riding pants, your face was kinda scrunched cuz it was bright out... I dunno, you just didn't look quite like the same person XD


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