Something I've always wondered . . .

Aug 09, 2008 20:15

Poll time!

As a fandom, we agree that "Connor James" is a thinly veiled reference to Keanu Reeves.



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Comments 19

xie_xie_xie August 10 2008, 03:24:55 UTC
No idea on this earth... but you know, I live under a rock.

Wasn't Keanu Reeves in The Matrix? If so, that's all I know about him. If not, I wouldn't know him from my next door neighbor.


cabtastic August 10 2008, 04:46:27 UTC
Yes, he was the guy from The Matrix. He's one of the big rumored-to-be-gay movie stars.


xie_xie_xie August 10 2008, 04:56:24 UTC
I didn't know that... see previous comment about "rock." I remember them talking about Tom Cruise in S4... and a few other actors I'd never heard of, LOL. I wasn't sure if they were all real or not...


mi_nion August 10 2008, 05:01:28 UTC
yeah I thought about TC as well. But Hollywood has enough closeted guys that you could pretty much take your pick.


sarahj2222 August 10 2008, 03:30:58 UTC
He is your next door neighbor.


cabtastic August 10 2008, 05:42:41 UTC


sarahj2222 August 10 2008, 05:43:52 UTC
Just kidding...


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cabtastic August 10 2008, 05:31:43 UTC
It's true! I realized it at the time, but have never seen anyone in the fandom mention it.


flamencanyc August 10 2008, 04:52:51 UTC
That never crossed my mind, and this is the first time I've ever heard anyone suggest it. But hey, whatever does it for you. ;)


cabtastic August 10 2008, 05:35:19 UTC
It jumped out at me at the time . . . when Brian says, "It sounds like you've had a most excellent adventure." Since Keanu Revees's first big role was in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. That made me think about it, and I decided that's almost certainly what the writers meant. I do love a good mystery. ;)


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cabtastic August 10 2008, 06:25:45 UTC
In 2004, coming just off the Matrix trilogy, I think he would count. At least as much as the other real actors' names they were suggesting to star in Rage:


ayesakara August 10 2008, 06:12:49 UTC
I've never heard of it...


seanmegansean August 10 2008, 10:02:33 UTC
Same here ;)


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