More Recs!

Jul 10, 2008 02:22

In case you're looking for some oldies-but-good(or bad)ies, here are a few (more) of my favorite fics!

Six old (and old-ish) fic recs. I'm going to add these these to my big ol' rec list o' love, as well.


KristenThe Abernathy Trilogy // 64 Chapters // NC-17 ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

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cabtastic July 11 2008, 05:36:04 UTC
For some reason, I've never dropped the habit! (At least not for very long at a time.)

I know! Maybe that's why the author took it down--maybe she published it as an original novel. *snerk*

I think I've read two where Justin is autistic. *hangs head in shame*


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cabtastic July 11 2008, 05:36:36 UTC
I know, I really need to add her. And Burn it Backwards!


scatterheart July 10 2008, 09:52:48 UTC
This makes me all nostalgic. *chinhands* I had seriously forgotten about Correspondance (I can't believe it's still going on!), and even about Ethan's fics.

(Your new username confused me for a moment, I thought you were one of the The Cab fans on my flist and tried to figure out who of them was into QaF. *facepalm* Nice change, though!)


cabtastic July 11 2008, 05:37:44 UTC
I can't believe Correspondence is still going on, either. :| Isn't it fun to take a stroll down memory lane?

(Heh, sorry about that! And, thanks. :D)


aurora_84 July 10 2008, 13:25:08 UTC
The Abernathy Trilogy
!!! Oh, the glorious badfic-ness, I love it so.

And dude, Correspondence is still going on?????? WOW.


cabtastic July 11 2008, 05:41:17 UTC
Me, too! :D Oh, Slave!Justin. My love for you will never die!

Correspondence is still going on??????

For real. :|


aurora_84 July 11 2008, 12:35:01 UTC

For real. :|
Wow. I don't know if I should be impressed or freaked out.


xie_xie_xie July 10 2008, 16:50:18 UTC
WTF have you changed your name? Are you in the witness protection program? How shall I know you when we meet in the streets?

Plz advize.


cabtastic July 11 2008, 05:44:26 UTC
I am in the Protection From Nosey RL People Program. You know I in the closet about being in the fandom! ;-)

RE: Meeting in the streets: we shall have a seeecret handshake. *nods*


xie_xie_xie July 11 2008, 06:48:51 UTC
Will it involve me throwing you to the ground and ravishing you while passers by watch?


cabtastic July 12 2008, 01:52:23 UTC
If we're lucky!


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