More Recs!

Jul 10, 2008 02:22

In case you're looking for some oldies-but-good(or bad)ies, here are a few (more) of my favorite fics!

Six old (and old-ish) fic recs. I'm going to add these these to my big ol' rec list o' love, as well.


KristenThe Abernathy Trilogy // 64 Chapters // NC-17
Some people might actually argue this one. But take my word for it, this is badfic. Only, it's so boldly bad, so deliciously bad, so intriguingly bad, that it really does almost circle around to good again! The year is 1770. Brian is a landowner-gentry type person who rescues (and purchases) poor abused slaveboy!Justin. Will Justin overcome his shadowy past? Will Brian be hanged for sodomy? Can two 18th-century gay boys ever find a way to make a life together? Adventures, angst, and boddice-ripper-worthy dialog make this story just plain delightful.

DeAnna ZankichDirty Dance // 2700 Words // NC-17
This is one of my favorite season 1 PWP's (Porn Without Plot). Justin gives Brian a lapdance at Babylon in front of Emmett, Michael, and Ted. It's cheesy, absurd, and strangely hot.


Starla Like Incest // April 2005 // 2200 Words // R
One of the few non-B/J fics Starla's written, this is certainly the only one on my rec list! Though, technically Brian and Justin are together in this fic, Brian hardly comes into it at all. The premise is, while Brian is away on an extended business trip, Justin starts to develop a sexual fascination with Michael. Wait . . . wait! Don't run away screaming. The characterization in this fic is amazing, and it's one of the best-written and most convincing stories in the fandom.


QuinnCorrespondence, Memos, Adventures, Scrapbook, Interlude, Changes, Scrapbook 2, Summer, Fall [WIP] // July 2004-Present // 877 Parts [CURRENTLY ONGOING] // R
The goddess of epistolary fiction, Quinn, kept us all sane during the S4-S5 hiatus by starting this series of letters--in image form--sent between Brian and Justin while Justin was in California. The series kind of spiraled out of control from there. Devistatingly original, quirky, fun, and engaging, this would be in my good-fic area except for one thing . . . it's 877 parts long, and still going! Jeebus! After a while, even the best idea gets tired. Still an excellent read, however. (Current updates of Fall at her journal: quinn222.)

JaneDing Dong the Witch is Dead // 7 Parts // NC-17
Jane is one of those hard-to-categorize authors. She hates MPREG and outragously bad fic. In fact, she has written several hilarious parodies on the subject. However, her own copious body of work is not always exactly . . . good. Philosophical problems of categorization aside, however, most of her stuff is definitely worth reading. This fic, in which Brian is forced to deal with his mother's death, only to be drawn futher into his family's secrets, is my favorite. Aside from a few annoying-new-character moments--Brian's red-headed cousin is grating and pointless--this fic is a great mixture of family angst, tortured Brian, and B/J sweetness. Bonus: Justin is psychic!

Ethan Needing You // January 2002 // 4800 Words // NC-17
Ethan is one of the most prolific writers in the fandom, and in his own bailiwick, one of the best. He holds the distinction of being the author that first made me think stream-of-consciousness porn was worth reading! Needing You is an adorable (and hot) season one fic in which Brian realizes maybe he does need Justin for some things.
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