Title: The things we've had (won't fade away)
Author: ca_te
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur (side Arthur/Gwen)
Genre: Angst, Romance, Canon Au
Rating: R
Notes: this is a sequel to
This flame that won't die and
Impossible to fight. Takes place during episodes 12 and 13 of season 4.
The things that we have had ( won't fade away) )
Comments 20
- I love that you dissected every part that had hit me in the ep 13 and rewrote them in your own Merlin's pov
- The quality of your fic doesn't fail/decrease one bit. How did you even do it?
- More reasons to mourn after season 4 has ended, cos i will not get to read another piece your fics in this verse again or maybe until season 5, if you still plan to continue this lovable little series
- I literally went and grab tissue
- Usually i avoid angst like the plague but I can't seem to stop reading your fic. whryy
- I reread the first and second pieces too and now i shall sob
- I wish i were better with English so that i could comment this fic properly and tell you my feelings. It's impossible task with my current Eng skill. Such a rotten Eng I've got here.
-God and now i hurt everywhere
And now that I've read till the ending,
He hopes that Arthur will cherish it, until the right life time for them will come ( ... )
You're a really perceptive reader, dear! I was indeed thinking to write a reincarnation!fic 'verse as a sequel to this one! I'll hopefully start working on it soon :)
Andthanks to you, because comments like yours are what makes me want to write! <3
Is he supposed to be in love with both of them at the same time? Because for that he seems awfully unconflicted on his own wedding day...
This entire series has been so incredibly beautiful! Merlin's despair mingling with the faint hope he holds onto, the hope for that future lifetime when he and Arthur will have their time in the sun, is just so amazing! I can't begin to describe how much I love this story, this entire series!
Excellent job! Thank you so much for sharing!! :)
Thanks to you for reading and for such a kind comment! :)
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