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Comments 34

scriggle May 22 2009, 12:51:27 UTC
Wow, they have no sense of continuity at all, do they? Nice shot of the back of his head though.

Yeah, 6'2"? He must be wearing lifts. LOL


c_regalis May 22 2009, 13:11:56 UTC
Yeah, I like the shot of the back of his head too! And continuity... yeah. I have no idea why, but apparently they shot some stuff then re-casted some actors, and re-wrote so scenes, and then shot the rest. I really don't know.

Oh, and another weird thing, one of the HI episodes was included in his credits at IMDB. For three days or so. Now it's gone again. What the hell.


scriggle May 22 2009, 13:21:40 UTC
The show really is one big clusterfuck.

I saw that. Maybe because he wasn't credited? Or... I dunno. *shrugs*


c_regalis May 22 2009, 16:41:14 UTC
Maybe! But normally IMDB isn't so, er, "quick" to put up credits for something. Or to delete them. It's very weird!


kelliem May 22 2009, 14:30:22 UTC
I mean, that's blood, right?

::squints:: Looks more like grape juice to me. ;D


c_regalis May 22 2009, 16:42:48 UTC
Hmm. You've got a point here. I mean, really. Also, I'll take whatever I can get. Not blood then. Grape juice. Okay!


kelliem May 22 2009, 16:54:35 UTC
Maybe he's become the new preschool teacher! Yeah, that's the ticket! ;D


c_regalis May 22 2009, 17:05:13 UTC
No, no, no, that goes to far. We have to be realistic here!


greycoupon May 22 2009, 14:40:22 UTC
The hilarity continues!

What day is this damned show on? Have they only been picked up for 9 episodes?


scriggle May 22 2009, 14:56:33 UTC
CBS is showing it on Saturday nights and I think they have it online too. I think it has a total 13 eps. Sorta like a mini-series.


c_regalis May 22 2009, 16:46:19 UTC
Er, it's aired in Canada on Thursdays and the US on Saturdays. I think.

Oh, here. And it's supposed to be 13 episodes. But maybe they cancel it. Then it would be, uhm, less. And they have dates for the first 8 so far, See?


roadrunner1896 May 22 2009, 14:54:46 UTC
This is all very frustrating! Especially since the series doesn't get any better. I mean, really.

Yeah. I am still not sure if making me watch this will get you off my Christmas list or not. So horrible!


c_regalis May 22 2009, 16:49:22 UTC
It is, isn't it? Everyone on this show is horrible. But I really hate the young couple. Which hopefully won't get married now. And Abby. I really, really hate Abby.

Sorry! You can't say I didn't warn you! I have PROOF.


roadrunner1896 May 22 2009, 17:54:34 UTC
It is. So very bad. *tries to hide from the badness of it*

And yeah, those young people are horrible. I remember liking the guy who plays the groom in Popular and Jake 2.0. But here I hate him. But even Jim and others I know seem so much worse than I am used to. I wonder if the scripts and directors just suck. Or of half the cast is so bad that the other cast thinks to themselves that even if they just phone it in, they'd still be in the better half of the lot.

It makes me cry. In the bad way.

And yeah, you did warn me. But you did that in such a way that it was really more like a challenge instead of a pure warning. ;)

But okay, I will keep you on the Christmas list for now.


c_regalis May 22 2009, 22:55:42 UTC
It makes me cry. In the bad way.

I KNOW. Shut up omg. I KNOW.

But you did that in such a way that it was really more like a challenge instead of a pure warning.

Yeah, well. That was your INTERPRETATION, wasn't it? Right?


cazzasaurus May 22 2009, 14:55:09 UTC
Maybe the mug shot in 1996 was taken on his release from prison! They do that, don't they? So they have an up-to-date record of what the person looks like when they're released back into the world, in case they commit another crime?


c_regalis May 22 2009, 16:54:39 UTC
Maybe! The thought occured to me too! But that means they changed the timeline. Which wouldn't surprise me at all. But according to this, he was arrested in "the 80s", and released "2001 after only 17 years" for good behavior. (Which also makes the year he was arrested 1984) And then he killed half the island.

So maybe they changed the timeline. Or can't count. Or fucked up the timeline for some reason they might tell us later. Or maybe they just don't give a damn. All possible!


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