And even more pictures of Callum in Harper's Island

May 22, 2009 14:06

Another mug shot. How many did they take? Also, 6'2"? Really?

And please note the date. 1996? Really? I mean, really? They couldn't find a mugshot of Callum where he looked younger? I very much doubt that. It's not like he never played serial killers before.
Wait, I thought he was arrested for undisclosed reasons in the 80s. And then got released for good behavior after 17 years. And then came back to HI in 2001. Why would they take a mug shot in 1996? Huh?
And okay, I guess that means flashbacks then. I mean, if he looked like this in 96. If we get to see him at all. Like, for reals. (Also, I talked to someone who had seen all episodes up to 9. No Callum. Hmpf.)

And a bloody fingerprint from 2006. Hm. So he IS the killer? Like, he's a killer NOW? I mean, that's blood, right?

Aaaand another picture from... 2008? Or is that '98? He was still in prison in 98, no? What? (ETA: 2008, apparently. Someone says "This is from this summer") The sad thing is, you can't really assume that all this is deliberate. They might have just no idea about continuity. Or they changed the timeline and didn't bother to re-shoot these scenes. Or something. This is all very frustrating! Especially since the series doesn't get any better. I mean, really.

harper's island, ckr, pictures, pictures.harper's island

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