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Comments 16

meresy January 18 2009, 22:16:31 UTC

This show gives me the wtfs.


c_regalis January 18 2009, 22:22:47 UTC
Ah. You too, hm? Sigh.

(I liked a lot of stuff though. Like the thing with Dee? Best death ever. I mean, I didn't like her all that much, but. You know? Quite awesome.

Also, I hope that Ellen is a fake-out.)


meresy January 18 2009, 22:27:02 UTC
(I... was less impressed with Dee's death for reasons other than the staging or whatever? I mean, everyone did great work around it, there, and it's not like I was a huge Dee fan, but it's a troubling thread in the show, I think. It makes me a little cranky.

Re: Ellen... SOMETHING smells like red herring around there, it's just hard to tell if it's that, or Starbuck or what the hell.)

Like I said, wtfs.


c_regalis January 18 2009, 22:34:43 UTC
(You mean the killing everyone that stands in the way of Kara/Lee? I really hope that's not the reason. I mean, I think it will be Kara/Lee in the end, and does that make me yawn a lot here, but. I really hope they don't have to kill everyone else?)

Yeah, lots of them. let's hope they answer at least some of the questions in the end?


grey853 January 18 2009, 22:24:16 UTC
Someone told me that "Sometimes a Great Notion" was at one point going to be the series finale. I'm glad it's not or I might have imploded. WTF??????

This show is getting more and more like LOST all the time, all questions and no answers. Makes my head spin.

I want more Leoben!!

But, yeah, when he's backing away going WTF, you know you're in deep Cylon do-do.


c_regalis January 18 2009, 22:31:17 UTC
Yeah, I heard that too, about SaGN was supposed to be the finale. So, yeah. The thing is, maybe we would have been better off with that? Maybe we would be better off not knowing what comes now? /c\

I want more Leoben!!

Me too! But I fear... yeah.


neu111 January 19 2009, 00:36:59 UTC
There is lots of stuff I don't understand here
Yeah, me too, but I'm used to it by now. I'll be okay - provided there are answers, and good, solid answers too. Otherwise, it will just fade out in the galaxy of ambitious shows which started strong and then went meep

Same for Leoben. His attitude - and the reason for it - might make for an interesting new development. Provided its developed, and with lots of visuals of Leoben.

*crosses hands and feet fingers*


c_regalis January 19 2009, 17:31:48 UTC
Yeah, me too, but I'm used to it by now.

Yeah, well, okay. But I was hoping so much that they... I mean, it's the last few episodes! And they already contradict stuff they showed a few episodes before that one. Don't they, like, have a plan?

Provided its developed, and with lots of visuals of Leoben.

Wouldn't that be nice? I have e feeling though. Like, that is is pretty much the last we saw of him? They never really knew what to do with him, and now they've given up. /c\


scriggle January 19 2009, 14:59:14 UTC
The whole thing with "the hybrid told me" was a true WTF?! moment. It's becoming more and more obvious that TPTB have been making it up as they go along. That's the only way there'd be such glaring inconsistencies and outright contradictions.

As for Leoben maybe he's thinking Kara is actually a reincarnated goddess now. Or something? Maybe he's decided he'd rather frak Sam. *shrugs*

I mean, Ellen (a FF'er) fucking Cavil to save Tigh (another FFer)? Huh? How are TPTB ever going to get that to make sense?


c_regalis January 19 2009, 17:34:53 UTC
It's becoming more and more obvious that TPTB have been making it up as they go along.

*nodsnods* It's so sad. If I had any hope that that means that they would make up some more stuff for Leoben, I'd be happy, you know? But... no. Probably not, hm?

Maybe he's decided he'd rather frak Sam. *shrugs*

Hee! They would be pretty together.

How are TPTB ever going to get that to make sense?

Huh. That wasn't really... I mean, I have no problems with that? I mean, they didn't know, right? So that's okay with me.


_divya_ January 20 2009, 02:18:29 UTC
He knew about that. He was there. (Remember, show? He actually repeated what she said.)

Now you know what it feels like to be an SGA fan. ::gives you a cookie::

Also, SGA is over. The series ended. You are FREE. (Until the first SGA movie comes out, but that's not 'til 2010.) ::gives self a cookie::

Alsoalso, how much Leoben did we get in that latest ep? I need to download it, if only to see Leoben (of all people!) back away from the crazy.


c_regalis January 20 2009, 22:36:09 UTC
Ha! I will NEVER know that. Uhm. I mean. Dammit. It used to be good, you know? And maybe it still is. It's possible. I mean, maybe they are going to explain it. You know? Please?

*takes cookie anyway* Thank you!

You are FREE. (Until the first SGA movie comes out, but that's not 'til 2010.)

I am? Eeeeeeeeeeee! *celebrates*

Um. I mean. Sorry? And hey, you know, with my luck in these things? Callum will be the main bad guy in the movie, and I will have to watch the whole series to understand why. Or something. Sigh.

And, okay, there wasn't really a LOT of Leoben. But, you know, some? It's worth it. And if you haven't watched a lot of BSG, it will even make sense! You will have to watch the last episode of the last season though. So it can make sense. There's is Leoben in that one too! Very, very, very little though. Sadly.


_divya_ January 21 2009, 09:10:06 UTC
Is this the first time that BSG has had a downright contradiction written into it? (The first time is always the hardest.) But hey, they might fix it still? ::hopes::

Callum will be the main bad guy in the movie

IF HE WERE, WOULD YOU WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES JUST TO UNDERSTAND? !!!! I would tell you all about the pertinent bits in excruciating detail just so you wouldn't have to do that! Or, I could start a letter-writing campaign right now to the MGM people to cast him. Hmm. ::contemplates::

Sigh. I might catch up on BSG in its entirely someday, perhaps on DVD after it's over. For now, tell me when the CKR part starts in this latest ep? (It doesn't have to make sense, I just want to see him be Leoben with a minimum of yelling from Darth.) Do you really think they're done with the character? That would be kinda sad.


c_regalis January 21 2009, 22:14:28 UTC
Well, maybe not the first time. Or, okay, a downright contradiction? They left plot points unresolved and stuff. But downright...? Yeah, at least the first time I cared noticed, you know? And maybe they'll fix it. It's possible, I guess?

I would tell you all about the pertinent bits in excruciating detail just so you wouldn't have to do that!

You would do that for me? That's... well. I guess it's... the lesser evil? Ahem.

And okay, I get that. That you can't really do the BSG thing now. Okay then! The Leoben bits in Sometimes A Great Notion:

3:30 - 4:00
6:40 - 7:45
12:15 - 12:45
15:15 - 18:35


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