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Comments 64

mrsronweasley September 16 2006, 00:06:25 UTC
Oooooh, nice! God, I adore that picture of Callum. He may be a creepy serial killer, but FUCK ME, he is HOT.

So, now we need a picture of Callum standing by a stream and casually holding out his dick.

Who's with me?


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:11:42 UTC
Meeeeeee! I am SO with you here. Wow, that picture was... wow.

(Standing by a stream, that would be Leoben of course.)

And, yeah, he does look hot, doesn't he? Someone at ckr_daily, lclanchester, saw the movie already, and she (?) thinks he was NOT hot there, just old and mean and creepy. But, I mean, LOOK at him! *flails*


mrsronweasley September 16 2006, 00:15:05 UTC
That picture stayed open in a tab for, like, a WEEK. I just couldn't believe it existed. I'd go back to it every now and then and go, "huh. Still there. Still holding his dick." It was oddly mesmerizing.

(And yes. I have no problem with Leoben's dick. Or any other incarnation of the Rennie Member.)

He DOES! He so totally does. Maybe he was creepy because of hte role, but old? Holy God, no! He's GORGEOUS. Nnnnnrgh.


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:30:20 UTC
Hee! Yes, I had to look at it again and again. And then I closed the tab and then I opend it again, because, I mean... it can't be, right? That can't be actually Steve McQueen standing there and holding his DICK. But, well. I am still totally, absolutely amazed.

Or any other incarnation of the Rennie Member.

♥ ♥ ♥

(And yaaaaay, you clicked the \o/ \o/ \o/. Yaaaay! \c/)


akite September 16 2006, 00:15:43 UTC
In that picture he's looking very Steve McQueenish to me. *fans self*


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:32:06 UTC
Very Steve McQueen-ish. And, you know, we always knew that would happen, right? Ray Kowalski always had a thing for Steve McQueen. \c/


joandarck September 16 2006, 02:57:44 UTC
Yes, he's very open about that!


c_regalis September 16 2006, 11:22:46 UTC
He is, isn't he? Because it's important to him. *nods*


malnpudl September 16 2006, 00:20:49 UTC
Yes. Decidedly Steve McQueenish, and devastatingly hot. Dear god.

I am dying to see this movie. *yearns*


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:36:23 UTC
Yesssss. Me too, I so want to see it. I am a little bit scared though. Have you seen the ckr_daily post. There's that comment from lclanchester and she saw that movie and she said he was NOT hot, he lookedold and mean.


*rocks back and forth*


malnpudl September 16 2006, 06:28:35 UTC
There's that comment from lclanchester and she saw that movie and she said he was NOT hot, he lookedold and mean.



It isn't so. It simply can't be so. We know this is true because the space/time continuum is still intact. QED.


c_regalis September 16 2006, 11:24:08 UTC

I know. Can't be, canNOT be. Right? *trembles*


sageness September 16 2006, 00:29:22 UTC
Oh conflict! McQueen oozes sex appeal and Callum evoking McQueen is almost hotter than hot? Almost? And probably would be scorching-hot if he were playing a sympathetic character.

Here I'm forcing myself not to be squicked on principle, but really I'm thinking: Please GOD let him start playing nice people again!! That really isn't so much to ask for, is it?

I mean, yay for him having a tour de force role and all that, but that's it. You have to balance the evil with good.

*continues to force self not to freak out*


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:43:29 UTC
I know what you mean, I so know what you mean. Please, Callum, please. I know that playing psychos is a good thing for an actor, rewarding and difficult and appreciated by the critics and stuff, but pleeeeeaaaaze? Please?

And, dammit, it is NOT too much to ask. ...The thing is, since he is so damn good at that, and since people start to know him now, what with Leoben and so on? He will get more offers for this kind of role. At least as long as it's Hollywood.

So, please, Canadian Film Business, please, Daniel McIvor, Don McKellar and Paul Gross and all you other big and smart director guys, give him something else to do!


scriggle September 16 2006, 01:19:17 UTC
So, please, Canadian Film Business, please, Daniel McIvor, Don McKellar and Paul Gross and all you other big and smart director guys, give him something else to do!

I second the motion.


joandarck September 16 2006, 02:58:50 UTC
We even had a whole bunch of suggestions!!!


timian September 16 2006, 00:42:23 UTC
Wowza. That's hot. Really... hot. HOT. Also, um, ::cough::, there's a picture of Callum holding his wing-wang? Seriously? How has this picture not proliferated throughout the fandom?


c_regalis September 16 2006, 00:51:53 UTC
No, no, no! It was Steve McQueen. BLG posted about it and cornekopia pisted the picture. See?

... )


timian September 16 2006, 01:12:26 UTC
Ohhhhhh. Okay. For a second there.... Well. Also, there are things I could say re Callum and his cock, but I am strong and will not say them. ::classy::


c_regalis September 16 2006, 01:17:47 UTC
Oh. You know, you... it's totally okay if you are NOT strong here. Just... don't. This is the LJ where everyone says... you know. Stuff. *blush*

But you are still totally CLASSY. *admires*

And there... um... yawns...

I have to go to bed, like, two hours ago. Don't tell anyone, okay?


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