Title: The Last Song (for Lissie Alexie)
ravenwings_7 / ship_go_boom (DW)
Fandom: Durham County
Song: Last Song by Marianne Faithfull (from the album Before the Poison)
Warnings: Being Durham County?
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Comments 2
Oh, that song is so pretty! Also the mood is perfect for the song, so stark and bleak. I like this very much, and did I mention SO GLAD TO SEE MORE DC VIDS YAY YAY YAY!
I liked seeing all the various women in Mike's life on the show; I really like how you did the "good son" and showed Sadie. \o/
YAY YAY YAY! So glad I was able to watch this today!!!!
The whole album is like that, all creepy and bleak yet weirdly hopeful (which leads me to believe that Marianne Faithful is made of awesome).
Maddie gets the credit for the Sadie = "favorite son" choice - when I made that edit, all I could think of was the scene in the park where she compared Sadie to the Prodigal Son (so wish I could have fit Maddie into the vid somehow, but in the only clip I had she was wearing a clown nose, and it just didn't work...).
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