I really need to get with you music people.

Apr 10, 2007 11:39

Or at least download what you all offer.

Right now I'm listening to Loreena McKennitt's The Mask and the Mirror. It's been years since I've listened to this CD, which I got after hearing a song in Natural Wonders one day in high school. I much prefer The Visit but alas, that CD is not with me at work.

iheartschnickle asked me what kind of music it is, and I really wanted to answer, "Something azhure would listen to." Unfortunately, she doesn't know who azhure is so that wouldn't be very helpful. I said something to the effect of her music being "ethereal-fairy-medieval-renaissance fair-type" music. The lyrics usually come from poems, old writings, plays. She's got a gorgeous song from one of Prospero's speeches in The Tempest, and "Dark Night of the Soul" is an adaptation of an old Christian mystic's poem about the peace he obtains through prayer and God's love.

Hmm. I really wish I had The Visit with me. I should bring that in tomorrow. I listened to that over and over sophomore year in college, to the point of totally scratching it up. And being unable to listen to it for almost 10 years.


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