It's political correctness gone mad.

Apr 11, 2007 00:10

Tonight was a laid back evening. The metro kept me waiting this morning and I was slightly late to work, so I stayed a bit later tonight. Walked the near-mile home from the Adams Morgan metro to get some (limited) exercise, and tried to convince myself that, yes, I was going to practice yoga when I got home.

Sloth prevailed, unfortunately, and I wound up sitting myself in front of the computer for most of the night. Messed around on the internets, shot some darts, chatted, and watched Doctor Who 3.2: The Shakespeare Code.

The DW season openers are surprisingly good. I found the first and second seasons had some annoying standalone episodes, and I'd rate these two on par with the better of those. Certainly on the sillier spectrum of Doctor Who, with enough overacting by the guest stars-including my dear Christina Cole of Hex-to keep them from being the awesome that are some of the two-parters. I suspect these two are standalones to get us acquainted with Martha, and were purposely directed with a hokey-er hand. They had their darker turns, the ones that hint at darker parts of the Doctor like Lilith seeing he has no name.

Overall, it reminded me of "The Unquiet Dead" (1.3) and "Tooth and Claw" (2.2) because of its early placement in the season and the setting in past England. Those, too, also provided threads for later events: Bad Wolf was mentioned by not-Gwen from Torchwood, and the Queen Victoria estate name became the organization's name. I wouldn't be surprised if they pull some thread from "Shakespeare" out for later.

christina cole, doctor who, hex

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