SPN_Gen Big Bang: Riding Shotgun 5/5 - Epilogue

Sep 29, 2011 21:13

Title:​ Riding Shotgun
Author: bythedamned
Artist: kalliel
Warning: character death
Word Count: 32K

Summary: "Sam doesn’t know how he can say his brother is dead when there’s still someone on this earth who looks at him like that." 
For the Winchesters, death is never the end.    Written for the 2011 spn_gen_bigbang.

Epilogue )

riding shotgun, gen, big bang, rating: pg-13, fic, spn, h/c duh

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Comments 42

roque_clasique September 30 2011, 06:47:53 UTC
Come on, Sam. You’re getting feelings all over my Heaven.

And now thanks to you I have feelings all over my sleeve. It's funny - feelings look a heckuva lot like snot from the BUCKETS OF TEARS I HAVE CRIED. This was AWESOME.


bythedamned September 30 2011, 20:52:22 UTC
Hah. My sincerest apologies, then :P I know, feelings bear a suspiciously wet and shiny resemblance. And to snot too, don't forget that ;)

also, damn you're fast! So glad you liked it though. (I was particularly fond of that line too...)


roque_clasique September 30 2011, 22:15:47 UTC
LOL yes I know I was fast, don't think it means I didn't read it thoroughly though! I was telling kalliel that you guys just caught me at the right time, desperate for some procrastination.


bythedamned September 30 2011, 22:51:48 UTC
HAH. and we've all been there before ;)


wallflowerlady September 30 2011, 12:17:06 UTC
Totally loved this.
I think the best part (other than that they finally got back together again) was that the Dean in heaven was the original smart-ass one - and that that was the one Sam really wanted!


bythedamned September 30 2011, 20:55:12 UTC
hey, thanks :) yeah, that was definitely my main goal. sam likes dean just the way he is, cranky and womanizing and all. thanks for dropping by!


elsewhere91 September 30 2011, 14:54:38 UTC
This was AWESOME! I totally loved this story!


bythedamned September 30 2011, 20:54:04 UTC
Thank you! That's awesome to hear :)


sam_maddy September 30 2011, 20:02:49 UTC
What a wonderful story. I really enjoyed reading it. I love the idea that Dean was some protector and didn't turn into a malevolent spirit.

Btw, the Impala is an automatic. It doesn't have a stick shift.


bythedamned September 30 2011, 20:53:50 UTC
seriously? damn. and I was so good about checking the other things too. (I confirmed that the Impala does, in fact, have seat belts, even though they were iffy on cars from the 60s). doesn't Dean just seem like a manual kinda guy though?

anyway, so glad you liked it :) 6 months in the making, it feels good to finally have it posted.


mikeysaunt October 1 2011, 02:49:55 UTC
Oh wow - this was so awesome. I couldn't have stopped reading it for any reason - I even let my attention slip from watching Supernatural - though I have it on DVR of course - LOL. And even though I knew it had to lead up to Sam dying too - it still was heart wrenching - especially with notquiteDean there trying to get Sam to hang on a little while longer - I started crying there and didn't stop till the end of the epilogue - still leaking a little writing my comments. But it's the best kind of cry - this is pitch perfect h/c - and - GOD BLESS, I wish the show would end like this, though I'm not in a hurry for it to end of course.


bythedamned October 2 2011, 00:55:37 UTC
wow. that is seriously the best compliment ever. especially if you were watching 7x02 - I couldn't tear my eyes away!

I can't really think of another happy ending for the boys besides Heaven. I think Show has proven that as long as they're alive, something's making life hard for them. but yes, *fingers crossed* not for many many years (ahem, seasons).


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