SPN_Gen Big Bang: Riding Shotgun 5/5 - Epilogue

Sep 29, 2011 21:13

Title:​ Riding Shotgun
Author: bythedamned
Artist: kalliel
Warning: character death
Word Count: 32K

Summary: "Sam doesn’t know how he can say his brother is dead when there’s still someone on this earth who looks at him like that." 
For the Winchesters, death is never the end.    Written for the 2011 spn_gen_bigbang.

Epilogue )

riding shotgun, gen, big bang, rating: pg-13, fic, spn, h/c duh

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Comments 42

ramblin_rosie October 1 2011, 03:00:35 UTC
Absolutely brilliant. Oh, boys.


bythedamned October 2 2011, 00:56:04 UTC
why thank you :) oh, boys indeed


geminigrl11 October 1 2011, 04:29:55 UTC
You know what? This is how it goes down. It really is. (Not poor Sam driving around with a ghost brother for 19 years maybe, but every single word, gesture, sentiment of this epilogue). Absolute perfect. And "you're getting feelings all over my heaven" is such classic Dean I can't even. Brilliant!


bythedamned October 2 2011, 01:04:12 UTC
wow, thank you, that's quite a compliment :) I kinda veered off from canon in s4, but given what they've been through since then, I can't imagine the boys getting to Heaven and really believing it right off the bat. or them wishing for anything other than the life they know and have with each other (minus the angels/demons/mothers of all/leviathans mucking with them). thanks for the comment!


qbiggerthanlove October 2 2011, 04:16:13 UTC
I just wanted to tell you how much I loved this fic! It was soooo well written, and I just zoomed through the entire thing today! I especially loved the end, when the boys got to share their heaven (in my head, this is the way it needs to happen).

I'm just curious as to what's happened to Bobby by the time Sam dies (and man oh man, it broke my heart when he realized he couldn't move his legs and then Dean finding out)? I have it in my head that if he's still alive, he'd be devastated but also happy that the boys were together (or so he'd hope).

Anyways. Well done! :3


bythedamned October 2 2011, 23:51:11 UTC
heh, yes, Bobby Singer outlives them all. I spent enough time writing this that I actually have a couple timestamps in my head already, and one is definitely centered around Bobby and what he decides to do with the car. Common sense would say to burn it but... it's the Impala! but anyway, yes. alive and mourning but probably, in a way, happy for them.

so glad you enjoyed it :)


katiki7 October 2 2011, 15:57:25 UTC
What a cool concept! Of course if Dean were a spirit, he would be protective of Sammy and haunt the Impala.

This is my consolation if they kill Sam and Dean off at the end of the series, that it's canon that they share heaven together. And I am going to save this and imagine that this is how their heaven is.


bythedamned October 2 2011, 23:54:18 UTC
thanks! I couldnt' image Dean's ghost being belligerent, could you? Not towards Sam, anyway but... wow. What a dark fic that could be.

anyway, I agree, my headcanon is that they totally share heaven together (and that the Heaven we saw in s5 was completely fabricated by Zachariah, and there is no one else's Thanksgiving in it). glad you enjoyed it!


katiki7 October 3 2011, 05:50:49 UTC
Oh absolutely! It's pretty much canon on both counts anyway. In In My Time of Dying, Dean doesn't want to go with the reaper because he wants to stay and protect Sammy, saying something like "my brother could die without me." Tessa warns him over time he will become twisted and bitter, but I'm sure Dean could stay on course with the Protect Sammy Prime Directive for much longer than 16 years. It's hardwired into his very soul.

And I completely agree that their glimpse of Heaven was manipulated by Zachariah. We explicitly saw him pulling the strings in the last scene with Mary, why wouldn't he be pulling the strings in the earlier scenes? The few memories they relived were perfectly chosen to drive a wedge between Dean and Sam, so it stands to reason they were picked because they suited Zac's purpose rather than coincidental.


rince1wind October 5 2011, 06:25:16 UTC
This was intense and very, very good. I'm so glad you finished the story in heaven, that they were both there together finally. It would have, I think, been equally moving and effective had you allowed the story to end before that, but then it would have been a tragedy and this... this had a happy ending.



bythedamned October 16 2011, 22:56:56 UTC
a) I love your username
b) I've thought quite a bit about what you said, with the possibility of a tragic ending. I can honestly say I hadn't thought of that, probably because I knew from the start I wanted a happy ending. your comment prompted me to think more about what that alternate ending would have been like, and I guess that (knowing our boys) they would have just muddled through anyway they knew how, never asking for more. there was actually another AU concept I came up with while I was writing it, but it seemed irredeemably dark. I realized that up until Bobby meets Dean's ghost, there's no proof ghost!Dean actually exists. People can't see him, he can't move objects, Sam only lets him drive the car when Sam's behind the wheel... yeah. In my head, that's what the tragedy version of this looks like. Dean was never really there in the first place :P but that really is a whoooole nother story.

anyway, that's just some rambling. I'm glad this would have worked for you either way. thanks for the comment!


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