16) What are your writing strengths? Blimey, that's the horrible interview question isn't it... You tell me! *g*
Character voice, maybe.
but to be honest it's been so long since I read most of my others that I can barely remember how much I like them or otherwise!
Or even remember their titles, some of the time. I'm still amused by the memory of people discussing in a chat whether there was a fic called Happiness is a Warm Gun, and you not remembering that there definitely was and that you had written it. I realize I should not laugh until I have written more than 103 fics over sixteen years, but I do it anyway.
Although I've just realised that A03 has divided my Pros fics into two - one group with the name of our fandom as it was, and the other with the name that Istia updated it to. How does that work? I assumed that if someone updated the name it would automatically update everyone's fics... if not, gargh, what a pain... And anyone doing a search by fandom would miss loads...
Regarding this, if you mean the fics with the fandom label "The Professionals" versus those with the newer fandom label "The Professionals (TV 1977)", there is no need to worry. It's true that works posted before the change still have the old label, but both types of fic show up in searches. See this page, for instance, where both labels appear together. (You can also try clicking on each fandom label and see that you reach the same page listing, the same number of fics.)
Oh well done - that's exactly what I hadn't checked yet, and it's very good to know. So the search algorhythm at least takes both labels into account, even if it leaves our dashboard lists a bit more cumbersome - phew!
Good point! Yes, now that I think of it I'd seen several labels. I've got "The Professionals (TV 1977)" faved and I just go there, but there are more labels popping up under that list. There's also something like "Pros-fandom" somewhere, but if you click on it you get the same 3352 results as with the others.
It works, but it shouldn't. The contradiction is making my inner librarian uncomfortable XD
That's what I worried too, but it sounds as if the search alorhythm takes the two different names into consideration when people are searching, even if it hasn't changed them on author dashboards. Phew!
I've got them! Yes, digital is a lot easier indeed. They're all novels, right? Not short story collections, I mean. Should make pleasant non-work reading for the summer :)
'Character voice', yes, and the ability to translate their own brand of humour and how they communicate onto paper - the ability to 'get' them. Atmosphere. Don't ask me how to define that I just know it when I feel it.
=Hate has come at me in other ways in fandom than via my fic.=
:-( Fandom sucks sometimes.
=I've had the odd terse email feedback which just said "I didn't like this one", with no other information, but I wouldn't call that hate, just... a bit odd. Cos fair enough, but it wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd tell someone without explaining why!=
Yeah, why write that at all?
I had the opposite. Someone emailed me with "I liked this story," or something similar, only there was nothing to tell me which story it was.
:-( Fandom sucks sometimes It really does - I guess it doesn't stop people just being people... Luckily more people are nice than nasty bullies...
I had the opposite. Someone emailed me with "I liked this story," or something similar, only there was nothing to tell me which story it was. Oh that's frustrating! I wonder if they went via a link, and assumed it would pop up in the title...
Fortunately, it was a fairly generic compliment and not a "You've completely changed my life with your incredible story" kind of thing where I'd spend the rest of my life wondering what I wrote to have such an effect. :-D
Comments 22
Blimey, that's the horrible interview question isn't it... You tell me! *g*
Character voice, maybe.
but to be honest it's been so long since I read most of my others that I can barely remember how much I like them or otherwise!
Or even remember their titles, some of the time. I'm still amused by the memory of people discussing in a chat whether there was a fic called Happiness is a Warm Gun, and you not remembering that there definitely was and that you had written it. I realize I should not laugh until I have written more than 103 fics over sixteen years, but I do it anyway.
Regarding this, if you mean the fics with the fandom label "The Professionals" versus those with the newer fandom label "The Professionals (TV 1977)", there is no need to worry. It's true that works posted before the change still have the old label, but both types of fic show up in searches. See this page, for instance, where both labels appear together. (You can also try clicking on each fandom label and see that you reach the same page listing, the same number of fics.)
It works, but it shouldn't. The contradiction is making my inner librarian uncomfortable XD
:O :O
... That means... I've missing out on half of all Pros AO3 fic.
Also, re: our chat the other week, I'd completely forgotten that the Astreiant books are also available as e-books, if that's more accessible for you? Oh - and it looks like the first five e-books are on sale here - a bargain if you're into e-books!.
'Character voice', yes, and the ability to translate their own brand of humour and how they communicate onto paper - the ability to 'get' them. Atmosphere. Don't ask me how to define that I just know it when I feel it.
:-( Fandom sucks sometimes.
=I've had the odd terse email feedback which just said "I didn't like this one", with no other information, but I wouldn't call that hate, just... a bit odd. Cos fair enough, but it wouldn't be the sort of thing I'd tell someone without explaining why!=
Yeah, why write that at all?
I had the opposite. Someone emailed me with "I liked this story," or something similar, only there was nothing to tell me which story it was.
It really does - I guess it doesn't stop people just being people... Luckily more people are nice than nasty bullies...
I had the opposite. Someone emailed me with "I liked this story," or something similar, only there was nothing to tell me which story it was.
Oh that's frustrating! I wonder if they went via a link, and assumed it would pop up in the title...
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