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Comments 11

tinturtle May 23 2021, 03:48:51 UTC
The town where I live, despite its drawbacks, is excellent for batwatching. I saw a large group of them hunting in the twilight when I took my dog to the park yesterday.


byslantedlight May 23 2021, 22:08:45 UTC
Oh cool - I do like bats! They fly around my garden here at home too, and I can actually sit inside on the long summer evenings and watch them flitting about. *g* I've only seen one at a time though - how cool to see them in groups!


gilda_elise May 23 2021, 11:33:10 UTC
So lovely! And a bat! How cool is that? From the picture, it almost looks like two of them hooked together.

We went into Wales my last trip, and it did seem to me that they did a better job of keeping up their castles, building back the castles to their original form as much as possible.


byslantedlight May 23 2021, 23:06:19 UTC
D'you know, I wondered if it was two bats together too - but I can't tell from the picture, and of course I didn't want to go back and disturb it/them...

To be fair, I think Wales has more castles than England (because they were built by the English to help conquer the country, of course...), particularly from that particular period. Cadw (the Welsh version of English Heritage) seems to be doing a good job - though as with St Davids yesterday, I would have liked more story... I was all keen to buy the guide book when I got back from wandering around, to see what was what, only they said they didn't have many English language copies left, and they had to save what they had for online orders. I mean - what?! Wtf?! I was actually there, looking at the castle, and was a definite sale, but they had to save them for theoretical online cusomters? Makes no sense to me - and especially for encouraging interest in their sites...


msmoat May 24 2021, 14:59:07 UTC
Hah! Excellent use of a rainy day! All the photos look marvelous but I'm especially drawn to the gale-driven waves. Wow. (Mind you, that's largely because, as a middle-of-the-US-person, I'm endlessly fascinated by oceans and sea and all that!) I hope you had some good food to accompany all the wandering about.


byslantedlight May 25 2021, 21:41:14 UTC
I knew the rainy days were coming, and I'd sort of planned to stay indoors, snugged up and working, but somehow... *g* I couldn't resist heading off to see the waves at the end of the day either - in fact I did that at some point every day! I like oceans and seas too... including good stormy ones! *g ( ... )


keli May 24 2021, 23:50:58 UTC
Gorgeous pics!! I love castles so much. I am glad you are enjoying your holiday!


byslantedlight May 25 2021, 21:41:36 UTC
Castles are fun, even when it's pouring with rain! *g*


dimity_blue May 26 2021, 14:44:55 UTC
It's a pity about the weather but those photos look great. I'm glad you enjoyed exploring the castles.


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