Thursday 20th May...

May 23, 2021 00:31

Thursday's forecast was not promising for holidays - "Gales and heavy rain" was the headline around here, but I decided that I wasn't going to let the weather beat me entirely, and that I could at least do an enjoyable shopping chore that I'd planned to squeeze in somewhere - so Blue Car and I headed off for an hour's drive to Lush in Carmarthen. *g* That didn't quite work out as planned either (the smell I'd fancied sounded better than it smelled...) but on the other hand, the heavy rain at least turned out to be somewhat intermittent, so I had a brief wander around town in the gales.

There was a castle, which was sort of castle walls and... town infrastructure more than a castle, but I strolled around it between showers, and managed to not be blown off.

There was a church up another street, looking as picturesque as anything could in that weather, but it was all a bit grim and grey. Still - castles... they have indoor bits, right? *g*

So I headed off for Kidwelly Castle, not far away - and that was a proper castle - huge and maze-like, and I can't imagine having to find my way around in its hey-day. It was pretty well preserved too, so you really could imagine it all.

Plus I accidentally found a bat! There was this narrow dark passageway, and I wanted to know what was at the end of it - so I inched carefully down, and took a flash-lit photo to see. It turned out to be a garderobe, of course, but I also spotted this wee chap hanging out in the corner on the photo!

I picked another nearby castle from my map - Laugharne Castle - and headed off...

Unfortunately it was too late to book and visit this one, which is a shame because it looked like the best yet, and that heavy rain also decided to put in another appearance, so I didn't even stroll around the outside - I shall save that for another visit.

So I headed home - via the seashore, for just a quick look at the gale-driven waves...

...and then tucked up snug for the night. But really, it'd been a much more holiday-like day than I'd expected. *g*

wanderings - wales, 2021 in photos, holidaaaaaay

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