So much for the end-of-2017 and hello-2018 posts that I was going to make - hey-ho! The box-unpacking continues, down to the last few, and now it's all about finding places for the less obvious bits and pieces, and sometimes rearranging what I did to start with. But I do now have a basically functional house again - hurrah! So I'm now sitting in my
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Comments 7
Gosh, dd you only start that job last year? It seemed longer, somehow. I hope this one has all the benefits of that one, but without all the downsides. It certainly seems promising at this point. Nice people!
Yes, writing time, reading time, travel time, friends time--those really are the important things, aren't they? I'm going to try to do more of that myself, and start by spending much less time looking at news sites and other such places. I got addicted because there's just so much that happens--you can refresh and, yes, there's something new to be astonished/angered/sad/happy about. But, now more! I want to read, and write, and travel, and spend much more time with friends both online and off. Good luck to us both!
Edited to add: Oh oh oh and relevant to your sci-fi interests, here's an interview with Melissa Scott re: a new sci-fi book series she's starting!
And ALSO also (again, I don't mean to add to your Mount TBR,) I have a number of her science fiction novels, including the entire Roads of Heaven series, and others, which are apparently lendable for the Kindle. In case you are interested.
*bounces away laughing*
I'm glad things are settling down nicely for you in Somerset after all the trials and tribulations in MK.
A resounding YES! to a year of peace and joy and thought and kindness for all (and the lads looking lovely, of course,) in 2018!
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