2018 - There will be Reading! And Watching. *g*

Jan 07, 2018 22:28

So much for the end-of-2017 and hello-2018 posts that I was going to make - hey-ho! The box-unpacking continues, down to the last few, and now it's all about finding places for the less obvious bits and pieces, and sometimes rearranging what I did to start with. But I do now have a basically functional house again - hurrah! So I'm now sitting in my mezzanine office, looking down on (uh-oh, the slightly dying embers of) my fireplace, all cosy and snug. *g* Which is good, cos there's a bitter wind outside! So let's see how we get on with this whole 2017/2018 thing now that I'm up here!

Well... it didn't totally suck, but it was... unexpected. I unexpectedly decided I needed a new job, unexpectedly was offered one, unexpectedly moved to the vicinity of Milton Keynes, of all places, and unexpectedly began working eleven hour days. I unexpectedly then had to change job again due to an (unexpected?) new pregnancy, but unexpectedly was offered a new job back in Somerset. The people are unexpectedly very nice, and they unexpectedly lowered the hours so as to increase the pay that they could give me, and changed their plans for the accommodation so that it would fit me better and I would accept the position. Very unexpected! *g* There were also good bits in between, of course. I'm fitter and thus presumably healthier, wee A was an unexpected delight-and-a-half (even if R was something the opposite...!), and I did manage to find both a reading group and a sci-fi writing group, and also made a friend in MK, all of which and whom I will miss. I went on holidays to Ireland and Germany, and made a brief foray to Wales. There was snow.

I didn't do as much writing as I'd hoped - I was too knackered after those eleven hour days! They even cut into the number of books that I read. I definitely didn't do as much fannish as I would have liked. Maybe I can better that in 2018. *g*

And as for the rest of the world? Well... yeah, I think like alot of us, I'm probably more worried now than I was at the start of last year. Here's hoping that thought and empathy and kindness grow stronger this year, and we can all start to look up again.

Plans for 2018 (bearing in mind that the best laid plans of mice and Jen, aft gang awry...)
1. To read! And I shall take part in reading challenges to prove it - Mount TBR 2018, because I have a silly number of unread books, and the Sci-Fi Experience 2018 because I've accidentally started it already... *g* And we shall see what else happens.

2. To write! Surely having four hours in the middle of the day to myself is the perfect way of doing this, if I have to work elsewhere at the same time? Can I write a wee fanfic every month this year? At least?

3. To travel. I have four weeks holiday allowance, so surely I can manage to get away on some relaxing adventures and explorations of new places (and perhaps see some old friends again too... *g*)

4. To keep up with people better, via email and lj and every other which way. I'm hoping those four hours will help here - somehow I couldn't always face my keyboard after an eleven hour day. Just lifting those fingers to type... But I don't want to lose you all!

5. To... relax and consolidate a bit. Which is what I was supposed to be doing last year, and was the whole point of working for other people instead of being self-employed! To catch my breath and work on the things that I have wanted to work on for a long time. See above. *g*

And... well, to continue to be fitter rather than sliding back into being so unfit. Hopefully not being behind a desk will help that still, but to walk, and eat more healthily and all that.

And... to get to bed before 11pm when I get up at 5.30am for work! Which means this is enough for now, because I'm just wittering about my navel really, aren't I...? I shall go and post my reading challenge posts, and then get to bed.

And of course I shall wish everyone a happy 2018 - let there by peace and joy and thought and kindness for all. Oh, and Bodie and Doyle. *vbg*

new year again

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