...and it's only 6.24am

Oct 06, 2017 06:46

Okay, sorry, this is not a happy post, this is a grumpy-wtf-is-up-with-my-world post. It may or may not be connected to today's early start at work (7.15am). See, I got up and had a shower, as usual, and as usual I had shower-thoughts (your mind is freed up for them, when you're doing things that don't require concentration). And ( Read more... )

just bum, grrrr, mybrilliantcareer

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Comments 17

macklingirl October 6 2017, 06:39:08 UTC
I'm at work now, but I promise I'll make a happy Pros-post when I'm back home. But it will be in the evening.

Btw who is the author leaving lj?


byslantedlight October 6 2017, 11:40:12 UTC
Yeay, happy-Pros to look forward to. That works, thank you!

And it's mescott, who writes my favourite Astreiant books, who's just said she's leaving lj over the next months, moving to a new blog. I know you can make feeds for your lj, so I'll still be able to see posts in that way, but it's not the same, and it doesn't work as easily as lj's friends feed, imho... (no cuts to posts, for instance). I wish someone would hurry up and sort out a way to amalgamate all the different blogs and feeds so that you can reply with comments from each one from your different signed-in identities - "they" encouraged this diaspora, they could at least work out a solution to it!


gilda_elise October 6 2017, 11:32:57 UTC
Sorry to hear about your problems with work and finances. And sorry, but it really makes me even more annoyed at your present employers. All your plans thrown out the window because they don't believe in honoring an agreement. Okay, end of rant. *g*

No Pros from me right now, but maybe they'll be posting another BB story soon.


byslantedlight October 6 2017, 11:42:50 UTC
Don't be sorry, I'm really annoyed with my employers right now... They originally said end of February, which was bad enough for mucking things up, but now to go and make the date even earlier, mucking up my next set of plans is just... not helpful. And yet I have to keep an even temper with them for working here with the girls (no point making things even more unpleasant...) Just - gargh!

I think we had a big bang post yesterday, so probably none today, but maybe tomorrow...


snailbones October 6 2017, 14:54:55 UTC

Ack love, you have every right to feel pissy. I'm so sorry your employers are letting you down and taking advantage - and they are... they were pretty crap at the outset, not sorting out your accommodation properly, and now they're buggering you about (technical term) because it suits them. Hmmmm. Sorry - not impressed.

I hope like hell something amazing and good turns up for you - it nearly always does when things are grotty and horrid, but still - just for once, some open water would be nice. Big hugs. ♥


byslantedlight October 7 2017, 06:54:17 UTC
Honestly, I could stomp on all their toes and smack them around the head just now... What probably bothers me the most is that I didn't pick up on the potential for any of this at the interview... Definitely hoping for that amazing and good thing to turn up - thank you! *g*


siskiou October 6 2017, 15:28:30 UTC
I hope this family at least writes you an awesome reference!
Have you had a chance to sit with just the two of them, and discuss matters? Do they at least acknowledge that they have really srewed this up and offering some kind of financial assistance (free lodging and help with moving, once you know where you are going), or *something*?
This makes me so angry on your behalf, but can't even imagine how you must be feeling, having to go over there and be civil to them...

Anyway: I hope you can still go to a Christmas market in Germany, and that you will find something awesome and permanent, and not have to go back to full-time proof reading!


byslantedlight October 7 2017, 07:01:48 UTC
Hmmn, I'm not convinced they'll make much effort about references even, just because of the attention they don't pay. Most of what I do seems to have gone unnoticed!

When we first sat down they said they realised it was a change of plans, and so they wouldn't expect me to move out of the accommodation immediately. I hoped and half-assumed this meant they wouldn't be charging me rent, but Mrs' eyes lit up when I asked about it, and she said they would charge a "very generous" rent... I may have to "negotiate" that with them, I rather think, at least for a couple of months to be free, after this new change... I guess we'll have to see what happens. If I leave before they stop needing me, I doubt I'll get help with anything, because they'd be focused on having to fill in the gap. Again, we'll see ( ... )


milomaus October 6 2017, 16:11:29 UTC
There is a whole Squirrel-cat-video!
But turn the sound off! The family didn't know somebody was filming...

Oh, I wish you could visit a Christmas Market over here! Did you have a special one in mind?
Let's hope it works out!

How was your day?


byslantedlight October 7 2017, 09:04:52 UTC
Cute vid - and I have to admit that it was quite interesting to eaves-drop on the family! *g*

I was really hoping to visit the Christmas market you talked about at Nuremberg - and I think Firefly mentioned another one that she liked... I was going to ask you all. Maybe if I sort out what I'm doing in time I could still afford it, but that doesn't leave long... just gaaah!

My day was okay in the end - but I woke up this morning before 6am and settled into fretting about things again! I feel so tired at the idea of moving house again (and no friends to help, even, this time!). And its horrid to know that A is going to be confused about where I've gone, and where "foxy" and the other things she's fascinated by in my house have gone... And just... eeeeep! But that's Saturday, today - and I'm going to sort things out in my head and stop fretting today, too!

How are things with you? How are your hexies? Do you have a nice weekend planned?


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