...and it's only 6.24am

Oct 06, 2017 06:46

Okay, sorry, this is not a happy post, this is a grumpy-wtf-is-up-with-my-world post. It may or may not be connected to today's early start at work (7.15am). See, I got up and had a shower, as usual, and as usual I had shower-thoughts (your mind is freed up for them, when you're doing things that don't require concentration). And...

- finishing work on 5th Feb rather than the end of Feb means a month's less income before I'm unemployed
- finishing work on 5th Feb rather than the end of Feb means there are two months left in the tax year rather than just one

Both of these things make it unfeasible to take the month off that I thought I could take if I didn't find a new position before then. If I do have to go back to proofreading and the like, I did not want to have to deal with self-employed tax again this year. I just wanted a year off that, a whole year - that was my plan in originally moving). They also mean that it's probably a bad idea for me to spend money on treating myself to a Christmas market in Germany this year, which was something I'd been looking forward to.


Also, the only new lj post in my flist was from a favourite author, announcing that she, too, would be leaving lj.

Double bollocks.

So - I know the work thing doesn't really make a disastrous difference in the end. Well, apart from losing the month's income. I still have to find a new job, and going back to proofreading may still end up being necessary (assuming it's possible). It takes away my emergency option, and the possible treat - a relaxed month - that I was using as something to look forward to in the worst case scenario of not already having something lined up. But... oh, it feels disastrous right now...

Could there please, please be some happy good posts in my flist today, if anyone has a minute? Maybe even... dare she breathe it?... some Pros?

*sighs* Right - breakfast...

just bum, grrrr, mybrilliantcareer

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