Sunday sloth - and the Internet of Things is in my house! Sneaky...

Sep 03, 2017 16:51

I was supposed to be writing today. Or going out. Or otherwise making use of the day, which is actually a long weekend (bonus Monday off, which is why I feel bad complaining about work sometimes...) Instead it's somehow 4.30pm, and I have done... what? I've no real idea! I mean, I have been reading Gone with the Wind (for one of my book groups) and ( Read more... )

killjoys, amused, computers

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Comments 13

thesmallhobbit September 3 2017, 16:23:34 UTC
If the toaster starts talking it'll probably say "better open the windows, the latest slice is a bit on the black side!"


byslantedlight September 4 2017, 05:56:35 UTC
Lol - I think you're thinking of the smoke alarm, the toaster does chat to it now and then... *g*


siskiou September 3 2017, 17:34:44 UTC

You must have a smart tv. Ours is too old fashioned to allow such things. :) I'd like to be able to do that with the German TV shows i can watch on my phone.


byslantedlight September 4 2017, 05:59:32 UTC
I do indeed have a smart tv (a fairly small/normal-sized, relatively inexpensive one that's about four years old now), although I rarely use it in a smart way - mostly for catch-up tv. I should definitely explore it more. I did try the mirroring thing when I had my old phone, but my old phone was too old - and I'd forgotten about it until now, with my new phone!

I must admit that I'm very glad I updated my phone - it really is useful for so many more things now, and I'm glad I have the smart tv just for the catch-up, because although I don't watch alot of tv, I'm also likely to miss episodes of series that I do decide I might want to watch. I remember having so much more time to watch tv and do things when I was younger - not sure how that works!


milomaus September 3 2017, 20:49:28 UTC
Yay for running and sticking to it and taking a day to nap instead! Or maybe you did go running today?
After your techie experience?

It does sound quite scary, randomly messaging to take over our stuff....

But double yay for a day off! You earned it with all the time they kept you waiting.

Are you still willing to make a busy book? I am trying to finish long started projects and am so proud of myself and the method I'm using (5 minutes for the future, you might remember?), because it really works. No finishes yet, but getting closer with almost all of them.


byslantedlight September 4 2017, 06:20:00 UTC
I'm due to go running again today - although it's raining right now (or at least pretty wet after rain), so my usual track will be muddy, so we'll have to see... and then tonight it's supposed to be more warm and humid - yuck, don't want to run in that either! Maybe I should brave possible mud a bit later this morning when it's still relatively cooler, since I have the day off ( ... )


milomaus September 5 2017, 18:53:37 UTC
How old is your niece now? She would be happy about a fun spidery busy book I bet!
I followed your thoughts before you wrote them.... *g*

Yes, try the method, clear out one drawer at a time, a box here, a shelf after running....
I finished a Quilt Top today! It was more like two hours for the future, but this one is done and almost ready to be quilted, just the batting and the backing to cut. The second one is almost done, I'll probably finish it tomorrow.

Enjoy your day off tomorrow! No guilt allowed!
Are you already looking for something else? Or do you have an idea what you want to do?


freetraveller15 September 4 2017, 15:17:52 UTC
If your TV is a smart TV I still think in order for it to 'talk' to your phone - and viceversa - both devices have to be connected to the internet (probably via the same WiFi hub/router?)... I am just guessing, though... :)


byslantedlight September 4 2017, 21:19:12 UTC
Lol - yes, both devices have to be (and always are) connected to the internet, so I did really know how it happened, technically. I've just never had devices that offered to talk to each other rather than sat there staring obstinately at me when I asked them to! *g*


heliophile_oxon September 4 2017, 16:24:33 UTC
As long as they're not ganging up and talking to you about how they're not going to open the pod bay doors, or calling you "Dave" ... *g*


byslantedlight September 4 2017, 21:21:03 UTC
Well, I was just now surprised to see that the trays on my printer were lifted up, rather than in their right places, as usual... *eyes toaster sideways*... and I don't have a Cat, either... *g*


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