Sunday sloth - and the Internet of Things is in my house! Sneaky...

Sep 03, 2017 16:51

I was supposed to be writing today. Or going out. Or otherwise making use of the day, which is actually a long weekend (bonus Monday off, which is why I feel bad complaining about work sometimes...) Instead it's somehow 4.30pm, and I have done... what? I've no real idea! I mean, I have been reading Gone with the Wind (for one of my book groups) and ( Read more... )

killjoys, amused, computers

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Comments 13

silver_cyanne September 5 2017, 00:12:26 UTC
When technology does stuff like that it's both awesome and scary at the same time. I'm still fascinated that I can send youtube vids from my laptop to my Roku. And all I can think of with your line about the toast is the chatty toaster from Red Dwarf.


byslantedlight September 25 2017, 09:22:38 UTC
The toaster from Red Dwarf was exactly who I was going for - hurrah for getting it! *g*

On the other hand I had to google what a Roku was... *g* But when I did - yes! We are so sci-fi... *g*


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