366 Photos - 330 - Friday! (And Traveller's Joy!)

Nov 26, 2016 00:46

I thought I was so sleepy last night, and then I couldn't sleep at all, so that I woke up all slow and unslept this morning (except that I obviously had slept, since I woke up, but you know what I mean!) So today started behind, and I knew I had a long-ish document and then another medium-sized one, adding up to more than the average bear for one ( Read more... )

366 project2016, geekery, computers, wonderful things

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Comments 12

miwahni November 26 2016, 07:43:20 UTC
That was a long day for you! Especially after a slow start.

3D printing does seem rather amazing to me - I've seen some prosthetics made by this method which are so much more affordable than those made by the old method. It really opens up a whole world of practical uses.

I can't get over the "nearly sunset at 3.30pm" bit. Bad enough here when it sets at 5pm and I feel terribly deprived.


byslantedlight November 26 2016, 09:30:26 UTC
It was kind of back-to-form unfortunately, doing most of my work later in the day. But it meant I had a nice three hours in the middle, so there was that! *g*

The 3D printing was fun to see, cos I could finally have the "oh-that's-how-it-works" moment! I gather the people up at the ISS used it to make a replacement part which they didn't have, which is properly useful and impressive, and I had no idea they were making prosthetics with it, which is also a good use! It'll be interesting to see how familiar it does become.

And hee - the sun does set early here in the winter. Oh - today it's apparently Sunrise 07:46, and Sunset 16:09. But then I guess we get lovely long summer nights which you guys don't have either, so it's that two-sided thing...! It feels cosy enough in November/December, but it starts to get a bit old after that.


unbelievable2 November 26 2016, 09:05:24 UTC
Those are the seed-heads of the common clematis, aka "Traveller's Joy", or "Old Man's Beard". Little cream flowers in the summer. It's all over, especially hedgerows.


byslantedlight November 26 2016, 09:32:19 UTC
Ah, thank you! And Traveller's Joy - I like that! I've actually heard of Old Man's Beard too, but obviously never seen it (to identify). I don't particularly remember seeing the flowers in summer, but there's fluff all along this section of the road too, so I must have done!


gilda_elise November 26 2016, 13:18:55 UTC
Someone at the K/S con made us all a Christmas ornament on a 3D printer. It really is amazing what they can do with them now.

I love the Old Man's Beards! So Delicate and otherworldly.


byslantedlight November 27 2016, 23:53:33 UTC
I'd never seen one before, and it was rather good having the magic made in to science. *g*

And science into magic too - the clematis puffs really are otherwordly!


snailbones November 26 2016, 16:08:48 UTC

Oh, how fab, a proper 3D printer demo - I've never seen one in the flesh, so to speak.

The pics are wonderful, too, thank you.

I hope you're having a nice calm weekend, to make up for squeezing so much into one day!


byslantedlight November 27 2016, 23:54:41 UTC
I'd never seen one until now either, not even pictures of one!

And thank you! I didn't feel like I was squeezing alot into Friday, except for working late - but compared to my usual dull days, I guess it was! *g*


freetraveller15 November 27 2016, 01:29:20 UTC
I love the name "Traveller's Joy" :) and I'd never seen them before :)
Beautiful sunset light you've caught!
I've seen 3D printing 'at work', so to speak, actually today, at the new Design Museum, in London (Kensington High Street, right next to Holland Park); and once in the past, about two years ago, at the Milan Design Week where there was this demo in a workshop. "Printing" is probably a bit of a misleading word, though, as the object being created is not 'sitting' on a support/surface like paper for 2D printing... :)


byslantedlight November 27 2016, 23:57:24 UTC
Traveller's Joy>/i> is wonderful, isn't it - and just right, I think!

Right next to Holland Park (and presumably just around the corner from the Scarsdale *g*) seems like a cool place for a design museum - and how fab to see 3D printing there too! I guess it has to be a retranslation of "printing" though, because if it was sitting on a medium like paper it'd be less use to start with. I can see where they've come from with it, though!


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