366 Photos - 330 - Friday! (And Traveller's Joy!)

Nov 26, 2016 00:46

I thought I was so sleepy last night, and then I couldn't sleep at all, so that I woke up all slow and unslept this morning (except that I obviously had slept, since I woke up, but you know what I mean!) So today started behind, and I knew I had a long-ish document and then another medium-sized one, adding up to more than the average bear for one ( Read more... )

366 project2016, geekery, computers, wonderful things

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Comments 12

loxleyprince November 27 2016, 08:39:51 UTC
That 3-d printer's fascinating! I've loved the technology since Verlaine used it in her BB story from last year. Really, really clever stuff.

Oh, pretty sunset! May I please grab the one of the Sunset with Tree and Tor, for future use in something arty and Pros-y? *looks hopeful*

The Traveller's Joy seed fluffs look wonderfully ethereal. Brava!


byslantedlight November 27 2016, 23:59:10 UTC
The 3D printer was great - so interesting to actually be able to see how it worked, even if (presumably) on a fairly small scale.

And yes, do borrow the photos (credit would be nice if you do use them for a background - and of course a look at the pics you make! *g*)!


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