366 Photos - 28/366 - Happiness is...

Jan 29, 2016 00:19

...twinkly lights and bookshelves nearby.
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366 project2016, reading, pros, writing

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Comments 3

freetraveller15 January 29 2016, 00:56:51 UTC
Oh I think I'd love Bodie and Doyle in a P.G. Woodhouse novel :)
I like your twinkly stars by shelves of books. There's something cosy and... reassuring, comforting, somehow, in having books by one's bed, even when one's too knackered to even open a page :)


jessebee January 29 2016, 21:56:31 UTC
The burning question is, which one of them is Jeeves?*veg* Or are they both friends of Bertie's? Or is it just style? The idea of the lads in concert with Jeeves is just delightful....


miwahni January 30 2016, 03:38:00 UTC
Lights on your bedhead are so pretty!

I have a lovely leatherbound copy of War and Peace, broken into three volumes. I read it years and years ago, and remember being Suitably Impressed.


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