366 Photos - 28/366 - Happiness is...

Jan 29, 2016 00:19

...twinkly lights and bookshelves nearby.

I'm sooo sleepy again! Actually had a pretty good day - got up early, sorted out a new Job 1 project and arranged to speak to Dubai about it after Job 3 (not the whole country... *g*), went to Job 3 and put my foot down after half an hour of faffing and went off and did some more stomping of feet (nicely *g*) and convinced someone with the power to say do it that Attention Needed to Be Paid, and within five minutes we came up with a brilliant idea or two to help and I got started on them. Yeay. (Can't stand middle managers who just say well the situation's not ideal... when they really mean I really can't be bothered....) Had a piece of very delicious pannetone at morning break - yum, had no idea it could be nice fresh! Spoke to Dubai (not all of it. *g*), which was nice as it involved two weeks of proofreading from paper and a probable two more weeks of it after that. Yeay. Petrol, supermarket (I need to avoid that place better...), home and pottering, on with current Job 1 assignment, got lots done... and then collapse. Enough! So the last 15 pages draaaaagged out, and I didn't get them done until just after 11, and I should also have done that 26 pages over there, but... oh, but that just doesn't seem to fit in when I've been at Job 3... Um.

Oh! But also, book delivery from Wordery when I got home - yeay and yeay! Oh, go on, let's have the book-delivery porn too... *g*
War and Peace is because I've been watching it on the Beeb and quite liking it, and thought now might finally be the time to give it a go (and because Wordery has a January discount if you buy two or more books... *g*), and Thank you, Jeeves is my next books1001 read - how fab is that? *g* I've had some good assignments from that comm - Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow, Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton, and now this one! Also, I'm reminded that I never did write the Pros fic I mostly plotted for Discovered in the Style of... - the challenge I was given was P.G. Wodehouse and unreliable narrator, and I seem to remember getting bogged down in needing to re-read the stories. And re-reading them. *g* Hmmn... Oh, too much to write and too little time! If only we lived in a world where we could be paid for writing fic (so that we could write it instead of Job 1 and Job 2 and Job 3 and... wouldn't that world be luvv-er-ly? *sighs*)

And why am I yammering on when my eyes are melting...? *headdesk* To bed, perchance to imagine Bodie and Doyle in a P.G. Wodehouse novel... *vbg*

366 project2016, reading, pros, writing

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