
Nov 01, 2015 12:20

Somehow October is already over, the stars were out last night at 6.30pm, and it's November... What's been happening...? Where is the world up to? ( A bit of a ramble... )

autumn, somerset, photos, archery

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Comments 29

just_ann_now November 1 2015, 12:59:04 UTC
Those are all gorgeous pictures, and you've gotten me intrigued at the idea of homemade crackers!

I'd also love to be on your fic filter, if I may.


byslantedlight November 2 2015, 00:38:52 UTC
Thank you! *g* I can totally recommend the homemade crackers too - I think they're even better today... *g* (it was this recipe via the BBC).

And ooh - d'you know, I was expecting most people to whizz past that fic-filter thing, since it won't be Pros (if it is I'll just post it as normal *g*). But sure, thank you! And feel free any time to say "that's enough, thanks"... *g*

(I liked your post today, btw, and I'm determined to get to your blog before I go to bed... *g*)


solosundance November 1 2015, 13:30:12 UTC
Lush pics, especially the misty horses series, they're really beautiful.

I had Graze boxes for a while but found I didn't like enough of the contents and the sweeter ones were too sweet. I notice they're in shops now though, so I do occasionally nab the flapjacks to take to work. I agree it's fun having a mystery delivery though :D

Good luck with the writing! I'm quite looking forward to mini_wrimo because of the daily check-in thing of posting wordcount and sharing the actual words or not as you like.

Looking at my rather haphazard post-it note "calendar" (ahem) I can see that November is going to be very busy in a multiple family birthday and going out to things sort of way... which is both nice and potentially knackering :D


byslantedlight November 2 2015, 00:44:35 UTC
Thanks! The misty horses were indeed pretty beautiful - and the mist over the trees, and houses, and... *g*

Graze is in shops? Well, that makes sense I guess, but I rather liked it being special-through-the-post... it's like Pizza Express isn't the same now that you can get it in any supermarket... *g* I know what you mean about some of the sweet ones being too sweet, though I got pretty good at filtering off the ones I didn't like.

Good luck with your mini_wrimo writing! I looked at that years ago, but it was so locked up that I couldn't actually see much, which put me off... so I shall try and be accountable to myself and anyone here who cares. *g*

Yeay for social-happy November - have fun!


snailbones November 1 2015, 14:44:17 UTC

I love the photos - the misty horses especially. And the biscuits! They look fabulous - I bet they're dead lush with some soup and some runny cheese... Er, sorry, just drifting there *g*

And the book! Wow - that looks incredibly good. It's one of the things I've promised myself I'll learn 'one day'... like everything else though, it seems to slip through the cracks and never actually happen. I shall admire yours from afar instead.

Good luck with writing every day - and yes please, if you filter.

What a fabulous autumn we're having! I throw myself outside every opportunity - now if it'll just stay clear for the next lot of meteors...


byslantedlight November 2 2015, 00:49:50 UTC
The misty horses were just so gorgeous when I got around to that side of the field! *g* And oh yes, the biscuits were even better the next day.. *g ( ... )


snailbones November 2 2015, 11:24:00 UTC

Thank you for the writing filter - and not-Pros doesn't matter in the least!

The bookmaking looks brilliant - I'm on a whole printing/lettering kick at the moment, and I fear it may end badly/expensively! This is what comes from falling in love with a printing press instead of boys *g*

And Leonids! Plus the Taurids this week too - though I've a feeling they might be Thursday, and Thursday doesn't look promising for weather - curses!


snailbones November 2 2015, 11:24:00 UTC

Thank you for the writing filter - and not-Pros doesn't matter in the least!

The bookmaking looks brilliant - I'm on a whole printing/lettering kick at the moment, and I fear it may end badly/expensively! This is what comes from falling in love with a printing press instead of boys *g*

And Leonids! Plus the Taurids this week too - though I've a feeling they might be Thursday, and Thursday doesn't look promising for weather - curses!


macklingirl November 1 2015, 17:03:37 UTC
Very lovely pictures. I like the misty ones and the red robin. Oh, and can you tell me how long the crackers must stay in the oven? And which temperature must I use? They sound very yummmy. The selfmade book looks very fine and it would be a very personal christmas present. So I keep my fingers crossed that you can make many.

And I also love to be on your fic filter if possible.


byslantedlight November 2 2015, 00:52:23 UTC
Thank you! It helps to be in a lovely county... *g* The recipe for the crackers is this one here at the BBC, though I didn't use just salt, I experimented with other herbs and things. *g* The important thing, I found, was to use the baking parchment/greaseproof paper, cos when I tried it with a silicon mat, the biscuits didn't come out crispy, and I had to put them back in again just on the tray, for a few minutes. But they're even yummier today... *g*

And okay - you're on the filter! *g* It's not going to be Pros though (I'll post Pros in the open *g*), and it might sometimes be a bit odd, like today's is... feel free to say you've had enough if you change your mind! *g*


heliophile_oxon November 1 2015, 17:09:34 UTC
Those crackers look raaaaather tasty! And very very moreish; I love this kind of thing, salty and crunchy, mmm! *g* The bookbinding skills look very impressive too, if not as edible (just as well). A friend's mother did a wonderful rescue job on an old family book of mine which had become very battered over the years; it was a lovely present, for the book to be protected for (hopefully) many more years to come. Do you have particular plans like that, for rescuing old books, or is it more with an eye to making new ones?

Love your photos, too (I'm another one for the misty morning horses too - so beautiful in that golden light). (Always happy to be copied in on any writing of yours, btw - always!)


byslantedlight November 2 2015, 00:55:57 UTC
The crackers were so good - even better today! And yes, a bit more-ish... *g*

The bookbinding will be a mixture of creating new books (so I can finally sort out all my photo albums - I'm very picky about the sizes I want!) and learning to repair old books, and I'm really looking forward to both... *g*

I was so pleased with the misty horses - thank you! *g*

I've added you to the filter, but feel free to back off at any time, cos it might sometimes be a bit odd, like today, probably! But it was fun... *g*


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