Determined to post photos...

Aug 30, 2015 11:29

...cos I went out yesterday especially to take some with my new camera... Of course I also went out to go walking around a national nature reserve, but that didn't happen either and I ended up briefly at the beach... *g*

Beachy bit )

aeroplanes, somerset, the sea, books read, photos

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Comments 16

unbelievable2 August 30 2015, 10:33:05 UTC
Yay for Vulcan! Always wonderful to see it! :))
- and a great pic!


byslantedlight August 30 2015, 11:00:50 UTC
It'll be such a shame when we can't look up at a plane noise and have it turn out to be the Vulcan... and thanks! Lucky shot, really... *g*


snailbones August 30 2015, 11:23:49 UTC

Ah-ha! It was the Vulcan I must have heard! It was on the wrong side of my hill to see, but I could tell from the noise that something big and glorious was up there! Though you're blooming brave to chance Charmouth at a weekend - meep!

I love the sunset piccies - how gorgeous are all those colours - wow! And your reading stack is wonderful! I keep meaning to post a picture of mine, mainly because it's hilarious... yours is far nicer!

I wonder what it is about peace and quiet that makes people want to break it? Weird! I'm starting to think too much peace actually offends some folk, or scares them, bless.

Happy weekend! And thank you for the piccies - I'm glad you're enjoying the new camera.


byslantedlight August 30 2015, 12:08:43 UTC
It looks like the Vulcan was zapping around the country yesterday, going from show to show, I'm so chuffed to have seen it! Big and glorious indeed... *g* As for Charmouth, I didn't mean to go there, but I couldn't quite find the NNR when I got to the right village, and then I found myself on the road to Bridport, and then I thought well, I could at least glance at the sea and see if there's a spot to park around Hive Beach, but I got to the roundabout turning, eyed the queued traffic, and took the turning back into Bridport itself instead... *g* Actually I had a brief wander there - it's a very cool town, I've decided, cos not only did I spot a Waterstones, I found two other bookshops without even trying! And then I ended up on the Charmouth road, and thought I'd see... it seemed a waste to get so near the sea and not even glimpse it... *g*

I guess if you're at the festival then you're not looking for peace and quiet, and of course you're not - it's just that when your desire for noise-and-fun affects other people's lives for ( ... )


snailbones August 30 2015, 14:37:09 UTC

Oh lordy, yes, the traffic round here is a nightmare; plus we get at least one really bad accident every week somewhere between Lyme and Dorchester, and with no alternative routes, the whole bottom end of Dorset more or less grinds to a halt... which is why I always carry a book, bar of chocolate, blanket and bottled water... and that's just to go as far as the supermarket!

Six weeks of noise is way too much. I used to live smack in the middle of a 10 day festival, and while I loved the change of pace, very much more and I'd probably have got inventive with a meat cleaver *g* Six weeks? I'd be grinding my teeth by now too.


byslantedlight August 30 2015, 17:35:17 UTC
It always throws me that there's really only the one route down your way - though I tend to veer off and go on little tiny roads when I can (which sometimes mean I end up about two inches from where I started when I tried to escape the highway, but oh well - the middle bit's usually fun... *g*)

Landlord just told me that the Christians are off home tomorrow - so I guess their website doesn't give the right dates even. Gargh! I tried using it to find out when they were going to be playing stuff really loud and late so that I could escape it if I got really desperate, but they don't actually have a schedule up, so that's no help... On the bright side, I suppose it's still them, rather than some other mystery source that might go on even longer...


gilda_elise August 30 2015, 11:42:30 UTC
Wow, Lady, how fast do you read?! Or is that several months worth? Because that's how long it would take me.

And moving again? Are you some kind of masochist? *g* The place you're in now sounds so lovely, isn't there someway to deal with the music? Like going over and saying something to the people? I've found that often that's all it takes. Or is that not a possibility?


byslantedlight August 30 2015, 12:01:53 UTC
Hee! That's... since the 4th July, which is when I started a bookpost and didn't finish so left it locked to private... *headdesk* So it's about six weeks worth, I guess?

The place I'm in is fair enough, and it was good for when I needed it pretty quickly, but it's not quite right in a few ways. No views from the windows, I can't see grass or trees or anything country-ish like that (so I might as well live in town from that pov); it's not quite big enough for as many bookshelves as I need, for example... *g* And there's no way of stopping the noise because it's a) 4 days of the Glastonbury festival across the fields; b) 6 weeks of the Christian festivals across different fields (it never would have occurred to me that they'd be a problem, even if I knew they were on, but no, they play really loud music day and night, for long enough to disturb work/reading quietly etc. That said, i'm not sure where this morning's is from, cos I thought that festival was over last Wednesday... I could live with Glastonbury cos it's 4 days, and I ( ... )


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byslantedlight August 30 2015, 14:29:11 UTC
Luckily the Vulcan was flying pretty slowly! I've taken pics at airshows too, and I know just what you mean!

Ooh for your writing class, how fab - is an author I might have heard of? *g* And ooh for taking your camera to Sidney too - lots of fab photo possibilities there! A work conference, or...? I'm fascinated that it's with your daughter and you're presenting though - is she in the same line of work, or is this some other fun thing? I'm just nosy, feel free to ignore! *g*


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byslantedlight August 30 2015, 21:34:32 UTC
Very cool, on both counts! *g*


jessebee August 30 2015, 21:26:25 UTC
Your pictures make me happy :-)


byslantedlight August 30 2015, 21:33:26 UTC
Yeay! *g* (All good?)


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