Determined to post photos...

Aug 30, 2015 11:29

...cos I went out yesterday especially to take some with my new camera... Of course I also went out to go walking around a national nature reserve, but that didn't happen either and I ended up briefly at the beach... *g*

Yeah, they're pretty meh as far as pictures go, but it was overcast and not in a particularly interesting way... and people! I must remember that on a busy (bank holiday weekend) day Charmouth is not only busy, but resounds to the sound of people bashing away at rocks with hammers and children screaming. Not to mention the frustration of dogs on the beach despite signs saying clearly not allowed (presumably cos in summer they'll wee or poo exactly where the next naked toddler is about to start scooping up sand to eat) and of parents taking their kids to bash fossils out of the cliffs again despite signs saying not to - and, you know, common sense! What is it with people...?! /rant... *g*

On the bright side, that's not a boat in the first pic, but a huge sandcastle-village, complete with suburbs... *g* When I walked past again ten minutes later, mind, it was virtually submerged by the incoming tide!

And I saw the Avro Vulcan! I just happened to look up at a plane noise on my way back from the beach at Charmouth, and there it was! It was flying quite slowly - I nabbed this pic with my ordinary lens (18-55) and then got my telephoto lens out as fast as I could, but this was still the best pic, blown up to 200% - almost identical to the pic on this page - well in shape, not colour or clarity. *g*
It's the last Vulcan flying, and it'll be grounded after this year, apparently, cos it's reached the end of its flying hours...

There was a pretty good sunset last night - I only realised when I happened to glance at the window and saw the clouds glowing red. Queue grabbing camera and legging it outside... *g*

In other news, I have been reading...
That was my pile-to-post-about-on-lj a couple of weeks ago, at which point I told myself to stop being so ridiculous and to put them away, cos it was never going to happen... and since then I've read more, and many have been re-reads (Fair's Point, Point of Knives, Point of Dreams, A Fashionable Indulgence (yes, again, already...but I really want it in paperback, and it's not even promised by the publisher - waah! Such a waste...)

And now I'm going to have to go and do something that makes noise, before the current incredibly-loud-music-somewhere-bashing-across-the-countryside drives me mad... There I thought this was a reasonable backwater of countryside, with no reason other than the road to be anything other than peaceful... there is clearly going to be another move in my life, preferably before next summer, though quite honestly I can't face the thought yet... *sighs*

How're you all doing...? What's exciting in the world? Life? On the internet in front of you...? *g*

aeroplanes, somerset, the sea, books read, photos

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