While I was tidying up...

Aug 30, 2015 17:23

...various bits that still haven't found proper places to live in my not-so-new-now place, I came across that copy of FAB 208 that I'd been looking for the other week, and not only confirmed (again) that the page with the rest of the page title just doesn't exist, but was flicking through and was confronted with the centrefold...*g*
I was going to be a good girl and scan it for everyone, and then realised that I'd already done it - and someone (me? not me?) even stitched the two halves together! It's A3 size, but I shrunk it for lj - you can double-click through to get it a bit bigger though.

Anyway, the other pic I have that goes with this (and I have a feeling I've the whole article somewhere too) is this one...
He goes off to a dude ranch somewhere in... Sussex? Surrey? Summat like that... I wish I could remember were they were, but if I keep looking I won't tidy anything else up... or walk the hack track... or write any more of the Pros fic wip I'd quite like to finish today... if I can work out what happens next...

And for a fun comparison...

Hmmn, maybe we'd better have Bodie-with-beard too, for comparison, although the only one I can find has him dressed up to open a shopping centre...
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