Virtually Wednesday office

Apr 01, 2015 12:42

Blimey - and here it is, it's April... it wasn't long ago I was wondering why the year wasn't shifting itself a bit quicker, and now it's a quarter over! Happy April (I have no fool for you, though I did go and search for the Grauniad's yearly jape - just a wee bit obvious, this one - though it would actually be a brilliant one if it turned out ( Read more... )

somerset, photos, myvirtualoffice

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Comments 7

milomaus April 1 2015, 13:02:16 UTC
This time leaking thing must've been brought on by the summer savings time change.
I have no Job 1 the next two weeks, hardly anything to do for Job 2, and what was is already done.

I got behind on my hexies, but finally caught up yesterday, but where did the time go?
I hardly read anything, I hardly sew, the Maus entertains herself wonderfully, except for a few excaptions which were planned....
And still I just barely finished my hexies for today, I did no quilting so far, the vacuum needs to be excersized so badly.
I only started to upload music and fotos into my cloud.

Four days off sounds wonderful. And three days for adventures and exploring and one day for staying home and writing and pottering.....heaven!!


byslantedlight April 1 2015, 13:44:34 UTC
I dunno, I think the time-leaking thing might be me... if only I could leak more time in the direction of things I get paid to do...

Are your next two weeks Easter holidays, which is why you've no Job 1? Have a brilliant time, if so! It's far more fun when the Easter holidays actually mean something with other people (like your wee Maus *g*) than when you just days off... but I shall try to enjoy my days off too. *g* Still not sure whether I'll go out or stay home - so I suppose it'll end up a mixture of both... *g*

Time is sometimes stoopid - hope your hexies and quilting manage to slide in! I suppose I should exercise my vacuum too, but sometimes they just end up staying in their cubby holes, don't they... *g*

Right - work!


ailcia April 1 2015, 14:23:24 UTC
Haha, like you, I am a chronic sufferer of time leaks. Being home all alone, with just me and my workload, really shows how much you can lose without realising!

I think it'll be nice to take time off over Easter. I totally forgot about it, and so sort of have enforced time off due to the fact that everyone else is celebrating somewhere! Hope you have a good one, whatever you may decide to do!


byslantedlight April 1 2015, 20:59:31 UTC
Time totally leaks - you at least sound like you get lots done during time leakage, even if it's not always what you mean to! And having fun counts... *g*

You're right too, it willbe nice to have time off over Easter! I'm just very bad working out what to do with it to relax rather than rushing to find stuff to fill it! I shall take a leaf from your book... *g* Happy home alone!


merentha13 April 1 2015, 18:34:10 UTC
Reading through your Virtual Office posts, I have to say you are very self-disciplined. I've been on leave from work for three days now and have done none of things I'd planned to do! :-( I like the time leaks idea!


byslantedlight April 1 2015, 21:00:57 UTC
Oh, I don't feel disciplined - it takes me twice as long (at least) to get it all done. I guess the bright side is that work gets done, but still...

Well I hope you've enjoyed your three days off work, anyway! Sometimes time off should be time off from planned-things too... *g*


siskiou April 2 2015, 01:32:26 UTC
Oh, good night!
I hope it's restful and rejuvenating!
April Fools was a fun, and exciting day at school.
The fourth grade teacher had her coffee spiked with lemon juice by her class, and asked me to help her get "revenge".
So instead of handing out the handwork bags, the were told that we now do a spelling test at the beginning of each handwork class, so they can learn to read patterns for future projects.
Today's words were "knit", "crochet" and "April Fools". *g*
Most of them fell for it hook, line and sinker. A few suspected something, but still tried their best at figuring out the correct spelling of "crochet". "Knit" was easy for most.
Much fun was had, when their main lesson teacher came out of hiding.
It was a very spirited class! :)

Four days off are good, even when just lounging around and relaxing! But you have lots of possibilities to explore nearby, too. Looking forward to photos, if you do go somewhere.
How are the lambs?


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