Virtually Wednesday office

Apr 01, 2015 12:42

Blimey - and here it is, it's April... it wasn't long ago I was wondering why the year wasn't shifting itself a bit quicker, and now it's a quarter over! Happy April (I have no fool for you, though I did go and search for the Grauniad's yearly jape - just a wee bit obvious, this one - though it would actually be a brilliant one if it turned out that the vile Clarkson really had decided to be a thoughtful person after all, and the medieval cemetery under Cambridge university was the joke... but sadly I suspect not...)

Today... wind and sunshine again, and I have nothing to do but work! I have also realised that as much as I've been thinking about it, this week really is a short week, because I've taken Easter off this year (it was too strange not having it off last year), even though I've got absolutely nothing planned to do. So - only two more days of work, then four whole days off in a row! Gosh! Not at my richest right now, mind, but maybe I can get out somewhere... Bath at least! Maybe I visit each of the cites around - Bath, Bristol, Exeter... and a day off. *g* They're each just on an hour away, and - well, Bath's closer yet. Or maybe I should properly dedicate the time to writing, because that's what I end up not doing, no matter what... Hmmn... I'm at home so much that pottering sounds both lovely (cos being home without working!) and yet too ordinary to waste days off on (cos being home as per usual...)

Oh, I know what I should do today in between proofreading - catch up on some posts I've been meaning to make, and then a couple that sounded fun to do when I read about them... *g* Of course I say that, but time will leak away from me. Still, let's try! Speaking of time leaking, I arranged yesterday to do a taster conservation-volunteer day at the local NT... not nearly as local as my Cambs. local NT was, but a pretty drive away, at least. I do know it's a bit mad, though, since I barely get things done without spending half a day each week elsewhere... but it's good to get out, too...

And ack! I delayed posting and starting Job 1 work (to keep up with unpaid Job 2 *headdesk*) and now it's over an hour later. Heeeeeelp! Time leak! Time leak!

Job 2.5 swotting
Fiddle practice
Downloaded Job 1 docs x 2
Responded to Job 2 course email required feedback
Double-checked renewed rejected contract requests from Job 2
Work pages 11-21 (1.40-2.00)
Fiddle practice
Work pages 1-10
Work pages 11-20 (3.20pm-)
Work pages 21-30
Work pages 31-33 (-4.00pm)
Work pages 1-10
Fiddle practice
Dinner on
Work pages 11-17
Work pages 1-10
Work pages 11-20
Work pages 21-26 Okay - well I finished work, anyway... Seriously lacking in energy suddenly, though... bed calls - and it's not even 10 o'clock!
Lj fandom post
Fiddle practice
Lj books post
Write 100 words!
Fiddle practice
Lj m/m books post
Hacktrack walk

somerset, photos, myvirtualoffice

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