Virtual Thursday - last day of the week!

Apr 02, 2015 11:17

Another slow start - gargh - and the rain finally caught up with us, and all is grey and wet outside. On the bright side, today is Riverford delivery day, when I opened my work assignments they turned out to be about something interesting that I'd forgotten about, and tonight is archery night! Also, I had a surprise message from my Alaska-mate last night, who I've not heard from for ages - hooray!

In possibly less-dull news, for everyone but me (*g*) - solosundance had a jolly good idea the other day: a fannish self-challenge! I like the idea of that, because there are fannish things that I'd like to be doing - or am doing - but am being slow at, to the point of years... *g* So:
1. I have 56 works up at A03 so far, and am being very slow about adding the rest of my stuff. I didn't want to chuck it all on and annoy people who're getting updates, and my plan was originally one a day, but... well. So. Before 2016 I will get all my Pros stories posted to A03. What to do about drabbles, I wonder? I don't want to put them in a single doc, cos that messes with the whole point of 100-word bite, but they are writings in their own right... maybe I could tag them as drabbles, and then people who didn't like them could exclude them from a search or something...? Hmmn - what do other people do?
2. Finish and post The Waters and the Wild (a Pros/AI crossover that I started years ago and am actually almost finished, but have't worked on for over a year now).
3. Finish hambelandjemima's story
4. Finish Milomaus's story
5. Properly start and finish Minori_k's story, which I need to research background for (and have partly done that), and have written a wee stand-alone for (that I don't think I've posted cos it was for her ProsFandomCard *g*), and for which I finally had an idea just yesterday morning about how to make this rather unusual (but cool) crossover idea (Minori's idea!) work for our lads! Having the idea properly always really helps... *g*
6. Finish the wip I began posting as part of my virtual office!
7. I've been saying for ages that I'd like to write an Astreiant story, which is Pros-connected, at least (*g*). I should do it...
8. Properly start and finish the lads in the RAF wip
9. Properly start and finish the Lads at Sea wip

Lots of finishes there! Hmmn - is there anything else fannish I should be/could be doing...? Well I have lots of other wips, but I don't suppose I can do them all in a year if it's taken this long to not-do even the above... But I could maybe add something else that I've been wittering about for years if it's something anyone in particular has been hopeful about...?

Work today...
Job 2.5 swotting
Clear rubbish, recycling and fridge!
Work pgs 1-10
Fiddle practice
Work pgs 11-23 (1.30pm-2.15pm)
Pros fandomselfchallenge - posted a fic to A03
Work pgs 1-10
Work pgs 11-21 (3.25pm-4.00pm)
Work pgs 1-10 (4.04pm-4.40pm) (and fiddle practice!)
Work pgs 11-20
Downloaded Job 1 assignment.
Weekly invoice sent.Yeaaaay! It's 5.30pm and all is done, even invoices sent off! Holidaaaaaay! *g*
Pros fic writing... *g*

I'm going to try things a different way today - I shall slot in the other things that I do manage to do, between all those pages of proofreading... If it works out at 10 pages an hour, then there's 7-8 hours of solid work there - let's hope I'm faster than that, so I can go to archery with nothing more to come home to!

pros fandomselfchallenge, pros, myvirtualoffice

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