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Comments 21

mab_browne February 2 2015, 23:50:05 UTC
Archery is one of those things that I'm interested in because it looks cool but I'm pretty sure I'd be rubbish at it. :-)

Very pretty pics of the approach to home there.


byslantedlight February 3 2015, 00:03:56 UTC
Well, I may yet turn out to be more rubbish at it than I have been so far, but I was (excitedly happily relievedly) pleased to find that I actually could get the arrow to fly all the (very short beginner's) distance ( apparently we'll be twice as far back in six week's time) and hit the target too (though once I realised how I was supposed to be aiming I very annoyingly was getting less close to the target! All of which is a very still-overly-excited way of saying you should give it a go if you fancy it! *g*

Oh, and I mis-captioned - I was actually at home by the time I took that, and had gone to the other end of the yard. The streak of red and white in the background is the road, so the approach is from the opposite direction!


siskiou February 3 2015, 02:05:16 UTC
Oh, archery!
That sounds like something arm-strengthening and exiting! :)

I've never had a chance to try it, apart from diy bows and arrows, made with sticks and string. *g*
My friend in Germany went, and ended up with a black and blue shoulder, where the bowstring hit her, when she held it wrong, but she persisted, and liked it a lot.

How late was it, when you took the moonlight picture? It looks so bright still!
Here it's 6pm and almost completely dark, but we also have clouds.
It feels like spring here, with temps in the 60s (Fahrenheit) and blooming Primroses and Blueberry bushes (we hope, they won't freeze before the real spring starts).
Can't believe it's only the start of February and the other side of the country is buried in snow.
Not a flake here so far, this "winter".

Oh, I meant to ask: have you had a chance to meet the horses and ride one, yet?
How is the face-pain? Hopefully gone, or at least much better!


byslantedlight February 3 2015, 13:04:54 UTC
I'm really looking forward to the next archery session, and my arms are happily worked-out this morning, which is definitely a good thing! *g* I'm gonna watch out for that bowstring though - eeep ( ... )


heliophile_oxon February 3 2015, 09:43:55 UTC
Oh, wow for archery - that sounds brilliant! (I had a vanishingly tiny go at it (a couple of geological ages ago) and I remember it being a lot of fun) Hope the people are nice and that it gets really satisfying when you've worked out the bugs in the instructions! *g*


byslantedlight February 3 2015, 13:06:27 UTC
It was so much fun! The people seem nice so far - though there was one bloke who kept reclaiming my arrows instead of his own, which bugged me, and he wasn't removing them as we'd just been taught to either! Grr... (*g*) I'm crossing my fingers for next week - can't wait! *g*


hambelandjemima February 3 2015, 09:57:40 UTC
Archery sounds fun. Maybe someone will drop out over the next few weeks so you can have more goes. Ouch to squashing your boobs down, though *winces*


byslantedlight February 3 2015, 14:38:32 UTC
Oh, it was so much fun! I'd like it if the annoying bloke who kept taking my arrows dropped out... *g* And hee - I think wearing one of my sports bras should do the trick, though I'm not mad on being trussed up in them either... At one point though, the lead instructor (who's sort of in training as an instructor, supported by the head instructor and a couple of other blokes) asked to speak to all the women (four of us, and seven blokes), and took us into the other room (it felt like sex ed classes in school!), and said that one thing we needed to bear in mind was where the string was in relation to our chests, cos it could hurt... *g* He said he'd thought about it earlier, having checked out two of the other women - but annoyingly he didn't let me say that yes, I'd noticed I might have that issue, and what did you do about it! I had to mention it to one of the other instructors when I was shooting, and he brought me the truss thing... okay, not a truss, and I'm guessing that in the right size and perhaps a supple black leather it ( ... )


miwahni February 3 2015, 11:18:02 UTC
My son did archery for a while and loved it. He still has his own bow, too. I'm not sure why he stopped; I often wondered if something happened on a camp he went to, as he dropped out shortly afterwards; he says nothing happened but the timing was coincidental and he never would talk about it. Still, it was fun and he was quite good at it. I couldn't even draw the bow properly, it was far too heavy and there was so much tension in the string. My poor puny arms just weren't up to it. *g*


byslantedlight February 3 2015, 14:41:33 UTC
I was half-convinced I'd never be able to draw a bow too, but they did indeed have bows for beginners, and I was surprised to find that it was quite easy! The bows on offer must have been different strengths, and we were sort of "fitted" to them, though I'm not sure how extensive that was for most of us. One guy pulled a string back so easily (he was all muscles!) that they had to keep trying him with bigger ones, cos he was overdoing it!

What a shame your son stopped - and that it sounds like he had some kind of dodgy experience at the camp, that's no good at all... Maybe he'll pick it up again one day, when he feels that enough time has passed....


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