A new game for February...

Feb 02, 2015 23:34

Archery classes! It was fun, although I wish it'd been a slightly smaller group so we could have had more goes - there were 11 of us. Just to be awkward it turned out that I was definitely left-eye dominant, despite being right-handed, and my right eye being stronger. That means that you might actually be better at shooting left-handed - except that I'm rubbish at doing anything left-handed, so I swapped over again pretty quickly, and that was so much better. You also get to wear kit - an arm guard, a "tab" for your fingers, and it became apparent that I also needed to wear a thing that squashes your boobs down - *headdesk* - (well one, anyway - next week I'll wear my actual sports bra!) so the whole thing ended up with a kind of bondage feel to it... *g* Those are my purple and yellow arrows (just right for my height and all), and I get to use bow R12... and my shoulders and arms are now killing me! The hardest part was actually trying to work out what they meant when they kept saying I needed to line it up with my chin and nose more - cos when they said that what they actually meant was draw your hand back under your chin, and keep drawing until the string is touching your nose - I'd been trying not to touch my nose with it, cos I thought that was wrong! Oh, but it was fun - roll on next week! *g*

And I drove home under moonlight...
...actually there was a great halo around the moon tonight too, but my pictures don't really do it justice, so I won't subject you to them... Oh but yeay - a good night! *g*

How're you doing? *g*

somerset, photos, archery

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