A month of October - October 23rd and 24th and 25th and 26th - Just days...

Oct 26, 2014 20:48

...and by the time I got to the end of them and thought Oh-I'm-sleepy-but-I-must-post, my next question was but what about...? But here I am at last, so let's see what we've got!

Thursday was Bath day again, the third one, but for some reason it just wasn't happening for me, which was annoying - the writing group, I mean. I was there, but there ( Read more... )

writing talk, somerset, victorian story, photos, real life, nanowrimo

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Comments 10

solosundance October 26 2014, 21:36:25 UTC
Ooh yes, the banner does rather fit a Victorian story. See, it is written! Well, of course actually it's not (yet) because that's the whole idea but perhaps in a in-the-runes kind of way... /burbles.


byslantedlight October 26 2014, 22:49:30 UTC
Yes! It is... almost-will-be-going-to-be-written! *admires burbles which sparkle in the light*


solosundance October 26 2014, 23:27:32 UTC
You made me smile - love the photo - very 'atmospheric' too.. = great start to the challenge. We're expecting 34 degrees today so am thinking I might try and get my daily 10 000 step walk along the foreshore out of the way before it really starts cooking the pavement. Sounds like a lot but I can do the whole thing in about 45 mins and it is all flat ground. I'm about to go home-hunting myself starting today[yay]. Need to move out of Chez-Bedsit and into something with a bit more space; where I can finally unpack and create something that resembles 'home' after a year spent living out of suitcases and boxes. Here's hoping....Kiashi


byslantedlight October 27 2014, 08:14:06 UTC
It's supposed to be nice here today too - well, not 34, but 16C or so! In fact the sun is out and the birds are playing as I type! Probably the last decent drying day though, so I must try and get some washing done!

10k steps does sound like alot - but in a good way, and especially out by the sea. Bliss...

And house-hunting! Well, you know I've just been there, so I know just how you feel about living from suitcases and boxes (and a storage unit, in my case). Good luck with it - may you find a wonderful home! *g*


miwahni October 27 2014, 11:04:23 UTC
Does everything stay that green throughout winter, if it doesn't snow? The grass looks quite lush in your photo.

NaNoWriMo is a huge commitment, good luck!


byslantedlight October 27 2014, 13:56:44 UTC
Yup, it does! Well, to be fair I've not lived specifically here before, but it's usually pretty green over winter (unless it gets trampled down and turns all muddy, perhaps - but I'm expecting green. *g*)

And thank you! I failed NaNoWriMo last year, so I'm really hoping it goes well this year, because it's fab when you do do it!


franciskerst October 28 2014, 20:59:47 UTC
I loved staying in Bath thirty years ago. I was invited by an eccentric old bat who didn't know me at all (I met her in the streets, just asking for direction); she kept a very very strange and Dickensian curiosity shop and collected Teddy Bears among many other things of a less common nature. I regret I have lost her name and address. Is the shop still there? If the lady is still alive, she must be a centenarian now.


byslantedlight November 4 2014, 11:42:22 UTC
Sorry - my replies have got further behind again!

You sound like you had quite the adventure in Bath - I'd love to think that the shop is still here, but sadly I suppose not... I'll keep my eyes out, though!


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