A month of October - October 23rd and 24th and 25th and 26th - Just days...

Oct 26, 2014 20:48

...and by the time I got to the end of them and thought Oh-I'm-sleepy-but-I-must-post, my next question was but what about...? But here I am at last, so let's see what we've got!

Thursday was Bath day again, the third one, but for some reason it just wasn't happening for me, which was annoying - the writing group, I mean. I was there, but there wasn't much writing going on in my head. I blame myself for checking my email just before I went in, and there being a work email I didn't have time to deal with - I was all distracted... On the bright side, once I'd pottered around for some chores, I decided to go home and work, because I had a place to work at home and it was nice. *g*

Friday was... erm, can't remember. Work of course, and I got it all done, and... nope, it's a blank. Oh, dinner with K and J (landlords)! Very nice and chatty and friendly and all.

Saturday was more shopping than I'd meant to do, and going to try and track down Apparitions in my storage, only to realise that it was in a bag way at the back, underneath the bicycle and the shelves and the suitcase, and the... So maybe I'll have to stick to re-watching LC's Jack the Ripper instead. Although - that did make me think...

Sunday I decided would be an at-home day, a no-spending-money-day (okay, I may have ordered A Death at the Dioysus Club from Wordery online bookshop, but that doesn't really count... *g*) and hopefully a deciding-what-to-write-for-NaNoWriMo day. See, I think that part of the reason NaNo works for me is that for an entire month I'm absolutely allowed to be completely immersed in the world that I'm writing - everything else, work included, has to fit around that. So I'm not sure about my initial idea of finishing things up after all cos I'd be chopping and changing between worlds. But... then I remembered a story that I forgot to include in my list the other day, maybe because I've barely started it (except for the overall plot, which I do have) - my Victorian story!
Remember that? I got tangled up in wanting to do lots and lots of research for it, when what I really need to do is write it. So maybe I should do that for NaNoWriMo, right? Plus - (thanks solosundance for posting it, cos I hadn't actually checked it out yet) how well does this year's banner fit a Victorian story?! So... I think maybe...yes. Probably. Cos if I finish Two Go Adventuring Again first, then I'll be not-fresh to start the third Pros story, and although I could have a go at a steampunk-ish original fic I've got bubbling in the back of my brain... well, Kenyon and Cross are rather like Bodie and Doyle in my head, and I figure that might be a good enough cushion to keep me comfortable with trying a historical story... The only thing like that I've done for years was also based on LC's Godley from Jack the Ripper, Towards Home, and I'm not sure that the time it was set comes through at all, really... eep! So I'm still a bit worried it might not work, but if I start getting my Victorian on this week, then by the time we get to the first of November I'll be all ready to go - right? Well, that's the plan... *g*

Okay, I'm rambling now, aren't I? *g* Oh - and my other plan (apart from the whole moving-into-the-annexe-at-the-end-of-November) is that I will rise to a challenge set me by Kiashi - "taking lots of atmospheric photos of all things pertaining to an "English winter". All I have so far is:
But that's cos I didn't go anywhere atmospheric, and it's been a bit flat and grey in between the occasional touch of damp rain. It will get better, I promise!

Oh - and they've decided to turn the heating on for a bit in the evening - yeay, it'll hopefully just take the edge off enough! Though we're back up to 16C again tomorrow (my plan is to do laundry, cos the one thing they don't have here are tumble driers!) Right - I shall go and snuggle up with Sergeant Godley, I think... *g* Come to think of it, the book I'm reading for the R.I.P. challenge right now is set in Victorian times - I shall get on with it! And a new Mathey and Lynes book winging it's way here too - more inspiration. Yeay! I can do this, right? Kenyon and Cross for NaNoWriMo!

writing talk, somerset, victorian story, photos, real life, nanowrimo

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