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Comments 5

gilda_elise February 26 2014, 11:54:21 UTC
I saw Venus this morning at around the same time. It was huge! But it was also 6º, so we didn't stand around for a longer view. The dogs did their duty and then we were back inside! *g*


byslantedlight February 26 2014, 15:41:38 UTC
It was pretty chilly here too - I was making coffee at the same time! But wasn't it just gorgeous!


heliophile_oxon February 26 2014, 15:11:50 UTC
That's too early in the day for me! *g* But you're right, the very few times I've been up and about at that kind of time it can be really lovely.

The photo shows really dark for me (I realise it should be dark, but maybe what you see is not quite that dark), but I'm not sure if that's my computer or the photo? I can just make out what looks like it should be a lovely composition ... *g*


byslantedlight February 26 2014, 15:47:20 UTC
Hmmmn, it was showing up reasonably when I posted it but it does look rather darker than I remember nownthat I'm looking again, how annoying... I'm not at all sure there's anything I can do non here, either - if it was my lappy it'd be easy enough to play around with it and re-post (*sighs for laptop*)

It's usually too early for me too, but there I was! Mind you I was in bed and sleepy ridiculously early the night before...


minori_k February 27 2014, 00:01:45 UTC
Aw, it's a beautiful picture of the moon and Venus! Thank you!!
You're an early bird, aren't you! Even I go to bed before 11pm, I tend to sleep late... lol


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