Spring morning magic

Feb 26, 2014 08:22

Hmmn, I seem to have lost the ability to upload pictures from my device to LJ - is that just me, or just cos I'm on a device at the moment, I wonder... There does seem to be a handy way to do it from Dropbox now, but no control over size etc from this end, so I'm sorry if the pic has turned out huge in your flist... Let me know if it mucks anything up and I'll delete or cut or summat. (Actually it turned out to be huge, so I mucked about with phone and this and drop box and finally managed to sort it...)

But that wasn't what I meant to say this gorgeous spring morning! The sky is blue here, the sun is all new-risen and golden, and when I went out first thing (the trouble with going to bed early is that I'm awake before 6am) there was the crescent moon and Venus just above it - so very beautiful and totally worth being up at that time! Apparently I'm not the only person to think so, but I haven't figured out how to paste from the clipboard on this thing yet...

"This thing" being an Advent Tetra Note 7, which has good reviews for speed, which I liked for something just about in my budget - because my laptop is in the repair shop - waaah! Worst of all it's playing havoc with my work, when I've only just had 4 days off work, but also I miss its lovely keyboard and screen! This tablet is actually for tutoring, so I'm practising now...

Apart from all that though, happy spring! There's even a touch of frost out there this morning - one of my favourite weathers!

spring, computers

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