And then there was New Zealand - Part II

Dec 29, 2013 23:35

Where was I...? It was about to be a couple of Wednesdays ago in New Zealand... *g*

We started with a wee wandering to visit a giant kiwi - look, that's a real person under that person-sized blob beside it. It really was a giant kiwi! *g*

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wanderings - new zealand

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Comments 19

snailbones December 29 2013, 14:43:23 UTC

How gorgeous! Lochmara looks the way I imagine heaven would look *g* Thank you for all the wonderful photos - again!


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 12:57:47 UTC
Lochmara was so pretty - and funky and witty and artistic! Like you say, a wee bit of heaven... *g* And heh, you know me and photos... *g*


msmoat December 29 2013, 16:35:11 UTC
Okay, so now I really, really want to go to New Zealand! Those photos are gorgeous, and what a grand trip you are having there! I love the little artistic touches for ordinary things, and then you also have amazing, wondrous scenery and sights. What a great combination. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

Yay for good friends, fun travels, and seeing new things!


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 12:59:20 UTC
You should so go to New Zealand! I love the art, and the thinking that there should be art, and that so much of it is really witty too... *g* Yeay! (And you may be on your own flight right now - hope it's been smooth and happy!)


heliophile_oxon December 29 2013, 16:57:19 UTC
You really have a knack for finding the most amazing places, don't you! And what a wonderful idea for a surprise day *bg*


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:00:41 UTC
Hee - I suspect there may just be lots of amazing places in the world to find, but I'm terribly happy that I stumble across some of them! *g* And yes! It was the most amazing surprise! I would have been happy if the boat trip had been the end of it, to be honest, but then Lochmara! *g*


kiwisue December 30 2013, 09:02:25 UTC
More things to enjoy in a part of the world that has developed remarkably since I was last there (aeons ago). Loving the travelogue!


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:02:09 UTC
Yeah - Australia's been like that for me too, developed remarkably since I was here last (okay, if you don't count a couple of years ago... *g*)

And I hope we might see some travelogue from you too - you having a good time? (Well, of course you are... *g*)


moth2fic December 30 2013, 11:01:20 UTC
That all sounds and looks fabulous! I haven't caught up with myself yet (see my most recent post for why) so I'll be reading about your travels well after you've arrived, if that makes sense. But NZ has been a thorough treat, for us as well as you!

We have booked for the 3D Hobbit on New year's Day and I'm looking forward to it. I really don't mind Peter Jackson making changes - he's creating a new myth but it doesn't spoil the old one! For me, anyway.


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:08:05 UTC
How did I somehow miss your post? I've just gone and found it, and eeeeeep!

NZ is a thorough treat just in its existence, I think... *g*

Oh, and yeay for having The Hobbit booked, I hope you like it too! Jackson's story does add to what's there rather than taking anything away I think, so it all worked for me!


moth2fic January 1 2014, 22:49:16 UTC
We thoroughly enjoyed The Hobbit - and I noticed one of the scenes with wild lupins and a possible beach in the background - but I have to admit I'm beginning to wonder how they can fill an entire film next year. They'll have to add an awful lot to the plot!

The only problem - and it was quite big one - was that we were the only family in the Hobbit viewing (yes, just four of us with a whole 'cinema' to ourselves) and the place was absolutely freezing. I was literally shivering for the last half hour or so and I don't think it has helped my recovery from the cold!! However, I'm already looking forward to the next/last part so yes, it worked for me, too!

I've had a Martin Freeman immersion week - bought The World's End (which isn't as good as Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz from the same 'stable' but is not bad) and he's in that, and of course tonight was the return of Sherlock.


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