And then there was New Zealand - Part II

Dec 29, 2013 23:35

Where was I...? It was about to be a couple of Wednesdays ago in New Zealand... *g*

We started with a wee wandering to visit a giant kiwi - look, that's a real person under that person-sized blob beside it. It really was a giant kiwi! *g*

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wanderings - new zealand

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Comments 19

gilda_elise December 30 2013, 11:16:26 UTC
I've always heard the New Zealand was a wonderful place to visit (a friend of mine preferred it to Australia,) and your pictures prove that out. What a great trip you must be having!


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:10:28 UTC
You definitely heard right... *g* (*whispers* I might prefer it to Australia too, at the moment, though I'm eternally hopeful that I'll be convinced otherwise... *g* Mind you, it doesn't help that Australia is where various woes in my life seem to just continue on and on... *headdesk*)

Despite s-i-l and all, it's a great trip really!


miwahni December 30 2013, 11:42:12 UTC
Isn't New Zealand just the most amazingly beautiful place?! I loved it to bits; everywhere you look the scenery is photo-worthy.


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:11:04 UTC
It so, so is... and I love that I've come across so many artistic and witty places without even trying too! *g*


golden_bastet December 30 2013, 12:47:49 UTC
Quite jealous! although the giant kiwi looks a little menacing.

Of course, if it were a giant fruit it'd be just as menacing...

Looks like you had an incredible time. :-)


byslantedlight December 30 2013, 13:12:43 UTC
Heeeee! Someone nearby should totally have The world's largest permanently sited kiwifruit to match this one! *vbg*

NZ was very definitely a rather nice time... *g*


moonlightmead January 1 2014, 23:12:09 UTC
I'm just speechless (which, yeah, isn't common) - beautiful photos and looks like a beautiful experience.

I had to look at the bigger picture of the well to see what you meant - I was looking for eels, actually, and missed it initially, but eep!


byslantedlight January 6 2014, 05:52:14 UTC
Hee - it's an even spookier surprise when you see it out of the corner of your eye as you're walking past! *g*

NZ just really is beautiful... *sighs happily and wants to go back*


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