Thursday post...

Nov 29, 2012 10:23

...because it's Thursday. I was going to do a Wednesday one, but... then I went home... *g*

Right - first of all:
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scarsdale, nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 36

akin16sk November 29 2012, 12:03:28 UTC
wow, how can you get to 50 000 plus a month....incredible!!! i envy you sooo much! I actually wrote about 10 000 in Avengers like in two months and was even happy with myself. you put me to shame :))))) awesome!


byslantedlight November 29 2012, 21:09:18 UTC
I wouldn't have thought I could write so much or so quickly once upon a time either, but NaNoWriMo really seems to work for me! *g* Though I'm not so sure of the quality, in fact... *gulps*


golden_bastet November 29 2012, 12:52:16 UTC
Yay - you pulled it offf !!! \o/

Congrats. :D


byslantedlight November 29 2012, 21:09:43 UTC
Yeay - thank you! (And ooooh... ahhhhh for your icon! *g*)


heliophile_oxon November 29 2012, 14:00:53 UTC
Definitely a *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* moment!

Hope you are indeed totally unblocked (as it were) and that you enjoy the finishing and editing and suchlike almost as much as the Avid Readers will undoubtedly enjoy reading in due course *bg*

Yay and thrice yay for you writing a Pros novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


byslantedlight November 29 2012, 21:11:47 UTC
Heeee - those are lots of little pom-pommy things... *g* And yeay!

Though humph for finishing and editing - I've usually largely done it as I go along, you see, even in previous NaNoWriMos, but this time is definitely different... we'll see - particularly about it's enjoyability for anyone else... erk! *g*

And heee - tis my... *counts*... third officially novel-length Pros novel! *g*


gilda_elise November 29 2012, 14:23:48 UTC
Yay for you! That is really such an accomplishment, especially given that you did it in only a month. So when do we get to read it? *g*


byslantedlight November 29 2012, 21:12:47 UTC
Lol - I'm torn between being amazed and a bit chuffed myself... *g* Though I'm really really not sure how readable it is at the moment...

21st December. *g*


snailbones November 29 2012, 15:01:57 UTC

Whoohooo! You clever old thing you *beams* Well done - that must feel amazing to have accomplished it, and with time to spare too. I hope your pipes are well and truly unblocked now.

And have a fab time in London. Give the old place a swift snog for me, will you?


byslantedlight November 29 2012, 21:14:37 UTC
Very much a yeay and yeay thing to have done! *g* I'm hoping there's general unblockage too, though I suspect that Job 3 kicking in again next week might be the proof of the pudding...

Another old Londonian, eh...? *g*


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