Title: Back to School
Date: September 1, 1998
Time of Day: 10.30am
Characters: All those returning to Hogwarts
Location: Platform 9 and 3/4
Status: Public
Brief Summary: It's the 1st of September, and it's time for a new year at Hogwarts to begin.
Completion: Incomplete
Warnings: None
Luna was humming happily as she wheeled her trolley through the barrier. She'd taken the Knight Bus to the station, and was now eagerly awaiting the arrival of her friends. )
Comments 24
After a while he sighed and heaved his trolley forward. His new owl who had been fast asleep squawked indignantly at the swift jostling of his cage.
The cloud of steam obstructed his view but Dean still kept his eyes open for people he knew. He was terrified of what they might say to him or what they might think of him after this past summer - hell, this past year - but he knew he couldn't avoid them forever. But even if I can't avoid them forever, I can avoid some of them for now, he thought with a surge of guilt as he saw a certain few people and made the point to move in the ( ... )
She peered at the owl who was still making indignant hooting noises as people pushed past through the clouds of steam.
"It's nice to see you," she said with a smile, "How are you?"
He looked down at Aeneas and sighed inwardly. Back at home Dean's sisters had taken it upon themselves to take care of the owl and now that he was on his own, Dean wasn't quite sure what to do with him.
"It's great to see you, too," he told her honestly. Then, "I've been great. It was good to be home for a while. My sisters didn't want me to go again but, well, you know. Time to go back to school like always, right?"
"You can write to them and things," she said, "It isn't as dangerous now as it was last year. It will be nice to get back to normal."
"Yeah, I suppose so," he replied and did feel some what relieved. It was not as if he hadn't thought that himself but to hear someone else say it made him feel much better. Things were different this year. He would be safe and he would be back at Hogwarts. He could go back home at Christmas and not worry about what might happen to him or his family. Dean would be sleeping in a warm bed every night instead of on the hard ground with- Well, now wasn't the time for that.
"Anyway, how's your dad doing, Luna?" he asked, trying to move the conversation along. He was glad he was with Luna. She had always been easy to talk to. Yet even with Luna Dean was unsure of what to say or where to take things. He didn't want to bore her or offend her even though he knew this was Luna and that was probably impossible. But three months... "Will he working on the Quibbler again now that you're heading back to
She put the leftover owl nuts in her pocket as she spoke. It was amazing the amount of often seemingly useless junk she carried around at once.
"I think he'll continue working on the Quibbler. He was writing puzzles when I left," she added happily.
Trevor decided to celebrate the occasion by squirming from Neville's coat pocket and leaping down the platform, fitting in a way and it was only when he came to a stop by a pair of familar looking shoes Neville saw her. "Looks like he spotted you before I could," he told Luna, scooping Trevor up with both hands and popping him back in his pocket.
"Hello, Neville," she added, when he picked up his escaped pet. She straightened up and beamed at him. "I didn't expect to see you on the train," she said, "Where you visiting people in London? You don't have any luggage?"
He looks about for her trolley to be useful, "I feel I should have brought something, I look the odd one out."
"Hello, Neville," he said.
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